Resolution 1562

WHEREAS, the City of Goodland, Kansas has determined that the financial statements and financial reports for the year ended 2020 to be prepared in conformity with the requirements of K.S.A. 75-1120a(a) are not relevant to the requirements of the cash basis and budget laws of this state and are of no significant value to […]
Resolution 1546

WHEREAS, the City of Goodland, Kansas has determined that the financial statements and financial reports for the year ended 2019 to be prepared in conformity with the requirements of K.S.A. 75-1120a(a) are not relevant to the requirements of the cash basis and budget laws of this state and are of no significant value […]
Resolution 1530

RESOLUTION NO. 1530 A RESOLUTION TO WAIVE THE REQUIREMENTS OF K.S.A. 75-1120a(a) REGARDING GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES AS THEY RELATE TO THE CITY OF GOODLAND WHEREAS, the City of Goodland, Kansas has determined that the financial statements and financial reports for the year ended 2018 to be prepared in conformity with the requirements of […]