Effective June 27, Governor Laura Kelly has approved updated drought declarations for Kansas counties with Executive Order #22-06. This drought declaration places all 105 Kansas counties either in watch, warning or emergency status. Sherman County is currently in an Emergency Status and with drought conditions predicted to persist it is highly encouraged for people of the City of Goodland to put to use good water conservation practices and cut your water usage.

Listed below are a few helpful tips:

* Use washing & dishwashing machines only when full
* Turn off water when brushing teeth, shaving or washing dishes
* Shower vs. bath and shorten shower time
* Install Aerators &/or high efficiency toilets
* Fix any leaks
* Don’t use running water to defrost frozen food, thaw in the refrigerator instead
* Use grey water to water your indoor/outdoor plants

* Water lawn/garden in the morning or evenings (NOT in the middle of the day when heat is highest & the water evaporates quickly)
* Install drip irrigation if possible
* Set a timer on sprinkler systems and avoid over watering
* Plant drought resistant plants
* Mulch plants to lock in moisture
* Nozzle the nose of your hose
* Check for and repair leaks
* Use a broom, not a hose, to clean driveways and walkways

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