Firework FAQ for 2023
Please take a moment to learn the do’s and don’ts pertaining to firework usage in the City of Goodland. Let’s have a safe and fun

Scam Alert
We have been getting reports from customers getting phone calls from a non-local number in regards to their bill. The City does not call or

Walking Cemetery Tour, May 6, 2023
The High Plains Museum will be offering a medical themed walking Cemetery Tour May 6 at 10:00 AM at the Goodland Cemetery. This tour will
Spring Clean-up 2023
The City of Goodland is once again ready to help residents clean up their properties with Spring Clean Up! Please remember that it takes all

Transportation Van Delayed (3-9-2023)
Due to the weather, the transportation van will not be running at its scheduled time this morning. We will reevaluate the situation at 9am. We
Public Transportation Delayed 02-16-23
Due to the snow fall last night, the Goodland Public Transportation bus will not be running until at least noon today. At noon, we will