City of Goodland Planning Commission Minutes
The December 20, 2022 meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 6:19 p.m. Planning commissioners in attendance: Grady Bonsall by phone and Matt McKenzie. Staff in attendance: Kent Brown, City Manager and Jeff Dinkel, building official.
Visitors – Aaron Thompson
2. Public Comment
There was no public comment
- Public Hearing – Variance Request Amendment – Jacob Leis 418 Main Street
The applicant is requesting an amendment to the previously approved variance request that was considered in June by the Planning Commission. The amendment requests a variance to Section 19-602. – Yard Regulations – regarding the location of the accessory building on the lot at 418 Main St.
Planning Commissioner McKenzie opened the public hearing at 6:20 p.m.
City Manager Brown explained that the original variance request was for an oversized garage and was approved by the Planning Commission in June of this year. City Manager Brown stated that the variance request for height and size was approved in June. However, the location of the garage on the lot was discussed during that meeting; but, not part of the original decision. Building Official Dinkel had reported a problem developed when the building permit was submitted and the location of the garage was not in line with the other structures along 5th Street. After staff discussion and consultation with the city attorney, the city attorney directed that an amendment to the variance request would need to be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval. Staff contacted the applicant and went over the details of an amendment to the original variance request.
Jacob Lies stated that if the Planning Commission would allow the building to be built closer to the street instead of 32 feet from the street it would allow him to park vehicles and equipment off the street and keep the aesthetics of the neighborhood.
City Manager Brown reviewed the amendment of the original variance request which would allow the property owner to place the building three (3) feet off of the edge of the alley way which is allowed per Goodland’s building code and eighteen (18) feet of the southern curb edge adjacent to Fifth (5) Street. Fifth (5th) Street has an 80 foot right of way. Forty (40) feet from the centerline of 5th Street is 18 feet past the curb of the street into the yard of 418 Main Street. The right of way extends into the property. If no variance was approved, the building would start 32 feet from the curb or 14 feet from the right of way boundary.
Planning Commissioner McKenzie asked if the building would be in the right of way. Staff replied that it would not be in the right of way. Planning Commissioner McKenzie asked if there was any feedback from any neighbors. City Manager Brown stated that the neighbors have been sent notices twice since the public hearing was delayed because there was no quorum at the previous meeting. There had been no phone calls or contacts made from any of the neighbors. Just one contact on the original notice on why it was sent out. Planning Commissioner Bonsall asked Jacob Lies if there would be any utilities affected. Jacob stated that the gas service line for the residence would have to be moved no matter whether the building is moved or not. However, it would not affect the main line.
Planning Commissioner McKenzie closed the public hearing and moved into the findings at 6:27 p.m.
Approved Denied
a. Uniqueness _Approved – Agree it is unique
b Adjacent Property _Approved – No complaints
c. Hardship _Approved – affect the location of vehicles / equipment
d. Public Interest _Approved – have been met on the previous request ___
e. Spirit and Intent _Approved – have been met on the previous request
f. Minimum Variance _Approved – have been met.
Conditions (if any): No conditions
Then, Matt motioned to approve the amendment on the original variance request for Jacob Leis at 418 Main St., seconded by Grady Bonsall. Motion passed unanimously.
4. Storage Unit Expansion 509 Caldwell
The applicant would like to add on 5 new units to the existing units. Planning Commissioner McKenzie said it would be a nice improvement. Building Official Dinkel reported that the property is just north of Hoover’s. The storage units would make the building an L shape and the units would face east. The addition would be a 50 foot addition to the south of the current building on the existing concrete pad. The addition would take out a current door and then have roll up doors. There was a building there so there are footings underneath the concrete. Planning Commissioner McKenzie stated that the side facing Caldwell would just be metal. Building Official Dinkel said yes and there would be plenty of view from the corner and plenty of parking on the lot.
Planning Commissioner Bonsall asked if the doors of the addition would be facing east. Jeff stated the doors would be facing the alley to the east. City Manager Brown stated that the access to the property would not be affected. The utilities would not be affected. No lighting or water required inside the storage units. Building Official Dinkel reviewed the building permit requirements for the project. Planning Commissioner Bonsall asked if there was going to be any more expansion. Building Official Dinkel said there was no expectation by the owner.
- Reports.
City Manager Brown stated that the City Commission did appoint a new member, Wally Hansen, to the Planning Commission. He had served on the planning commission before in the 1990’s.
- Minutes
a. July 12, 2022 Minutes
b. August 9, 2022 Minutes
c. October 11, 2022 Minutes
Planning Commissioner Bonsall moved to approve the minutes for July 12, 2022, August 9, 2022 and October 11, 2022. Planning Commissioner McKenzie seconded the motion. Motion approved unanimously.
Commissioner McKenzie motioned to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Bonsall. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:38 p.m.