City of Goodland Planning Commission Minutes

    The November 7, 2023 meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
    Planning commissioners in attendance: Grady Bonsall, Wallace Hansen and Matt McKenzie.
    Dennis Snethen was absent. Staff in attendance: Kent Brown, City Manager and Zach
    Hildebrand, Building Official.
  2. Public Comment
    There was no public comment
  3. Proposed Ordinance to change the Textual Definitions in Chapter 9 regarding trailer camps and RV parks and the requirements for RV parks.
    Zach Hildebrand, Building Official, presented the proposed ordinance. Zach stated he presented
    a powerpoint on the various changes to Chapter 9 regarding trailer camps and RV parks and the
    requirements for RV parks in the zoning code and use standards in Chapter 19. The Planning
    Commission had requested that the changes should be presented in the actual ordinance that
    would be recommended to the City Commission. The proposed ordinance in the agenda packet
    is the result. City Manager Brown stated that the ordinance restates the language for a number of
    sections while replacing the terms trailer camp with RV park. Almost every section of Chapter 9
    had to be included for the language and verbage. Section 19-502(t) had to be included as well.
    City Manager Brown then reviewed each section of the ordinance as it referred to the City Code.
    After discussion, Commissioner McKenzie asked what was the proper motion. City Manager
    Brown stated that the motion should recommend that the ordinance be approved by the City
    Commission. Commissioner McKenzie moved to recommend the Ordinance to change the
    textual definitions in Chapter 9 regarding trailer camps and RV parks for approval by the City
    Commission. Building Official Hildebrand stated that the ordinance will be Ordinance 1768.
    Commissioner McKenzie amended his motion and moved, seconded by Commissioner Bonsall
    to recommend Ordinance 1768 for approval by the City Commission. Motion carried
  4. Update on Housing discussion interviews with Community Matters
    City Manager Brown stated that all the Planning Commissioners present had been contacted for
    an interview with Community Matters. Commissioner Hanson said he had a good discussion
    with the interviewer. Brown stated that he was able to schedule a time for Commissioner
    Snethen who wasn’t present at this meeting to be interviewed on housing issues. Brown stated
    that there would be a summary of all the interviews with the Planning Commissioners, the City
    Commissioners and staff members in a couple weeks. Then, because of the schedule for Barb
    Cole with Community Matters, the next part would not occur until January. Brown stated that a
    joint meeting of the Planning Commission and the City Commission would be scheduled
    probably in January. Commissioner Hanson confirmed with the other commissioners that the
    commissioners are on the same page regarding housing. Commissioner Bonsall stated he looked at the original questionnaire and thought it would only take 20 minutes; but, the conversation
    took about an hour. Commissioner McKenzie stated that his conversation took about 45
    minutes. Each commissioner stated it was a good conversation.
  5. Reports
    A. Planning Commissioners
    Commissioner Bonsall had nothing to report.
    Commissioner Hansen had nothing to report.
    Chairman McKenzie had nothing to report.
    B. Staff
    City Manager Brown had nothing to report
    Building Official Zach Hildebrand had nothing to report.
  6. Minutes
    a. October 10, 2023 Minutes
    Chairman McKenzie stated that since all the commissioners may not have seen the minutes, it
    could wait to be approved at the next meeting.
  7. Adjournment
    Chairman McKenzie motioned to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Hansen. Motion passed
    unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:14 p.m.
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