The October 10, 2023 meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
    Planning commissioners in attendance: Grady Bonsall, Wallace Hansen and Matt McKenzie.
    Dennis Snethen was absent. Staff in attendance: Kent Brown, City Manager and Zach Hildebrand, Building Official. General public included April Hall, site plan applicant and Shaun Boden, KOA Campground.
  2. Public Comment
    There was no public comment
  3. Site Plan – 811 E Hwy 24.
    April Hall reviewed the site plan for 811 E. Highway 24. She reviewed the site of the rv parking spaces. The site of the storage building, electric utility connection, drainage, driveway, materials. April also reviewed the water and electric hookup for each rv parking pad. She provided pictures of one utility pad with 2 hookups from the nearby Smoky Gardens site. April then reviewed the utility connections for water, sewer at the northeast corner of the site. The dumpster site was also identified. She then reviewed the landscaping plan for the site. The site does include dusk to dawn LED lighting.
    Building Official Hildebrand then reviewed all the criteria on the completed site plan review document which was included in the packet. There is no signage to be included initially. He also reviewed the utility systems, property boundaries, traffic patterns, architectural design standards and exterior building materials for the storage building. Zach stated that his major concern was making sure the sewer didn’t run beneath the building.
    Commissioner Bonsall asked about turns and turning radius into the site. April reviewed the distances into the site.
    Commissioner McKenzie moved, seconded by Commissioner Hanson, to approve the site plan review of 811 E. Highway 24. Motion carried unanimously.
  4. Text Amendment to Chapter 9 – trailer camps and/or rv parks
    Building Official Hildebrand presented a powerpoint on the proposed text amendment to replace trailer camps with rv parks and amend the language to eliminate trailer camps and replace it with rv parks in the city code. The powerpoint reviewed the changes to Sections 9-101 (Definitions), 9-102, 9-103, 9-104, 9-105, 9-106, 9-107, 9-108, 9-109, 9-110, 9-111, 9-112, 9-113, 9-114, 9-115, 9-116, 9-117, 9-118, 9-119, 9-120, 9-121, 9-123.
    Building Official Hildebrand then reviewed the proposed changes to the zoning ordinance; specifically, Sections 19-202 (definitions), 19-502(t)(4), 19-502(t)(15) which was subsection (5), 19-502(t)(6,7, 10,11,12, 13, 14, 15, 16).Chairman McKenzie appreciated the presentation. Commissioner Bonsall asked a question regarding the requirement for electricity and a post to prevent people from running into it.
    After discussion, Chairman McKenzie stated there are a couple minor edits; but, would want to have the ordinance prepared and then recommended to the City Commission or should we provide the recommendation now. City Manager Brown stated it is up to the planning commission. It is not in ordinance form. There is not an urgency that it has to be approved immediately. Chairman McKenzie requested Building Official Hildebrand to bring it back in ordinance form to the next meeting.
  5. Discussion
    Long Term Stays
    Shaun Boden, KOA Campground, stated that he has been approached by harvesters about staying over the winter. Shaun stated that they had been told that long term stays are not allowed with the current code. It does have in the code that the Building Official can approve for long term. Shaun stated that they would dedicate 8 to 10 sites for the harvesters. They would be in the expansion area of the KOA (north end). Planning Commissioner Bonsall asked if they would only be limited to harvesters. Shaun stated that they would open it; but, the primary consideration would be to the harvesters. City Manager Brown stated that staff had an application completed by KCN Campgrounds operating the KOA. Brown also stated there would be parameters on the number, location and who would be designated for long term stay.
    The extent of the long term stay would only be until they open up for regular business again in the spring.
    Shaun stated he would have someone come in for snow removal and managers would check on the occupants. There would be an emergency phone number. The units would have to be self contained units because the bathrooms would not be available.
    Planning Commissioner Bonsall stated that 8 to 10 sites would fit in with the other application. Shaun stated that the electricity would be metered to the occupants.
    Chairman McKenzie asked if there is any action needed from the Planning Commission. City Manager Brown stated that no action is needed. Just wanted feedback before Building Official Hildebrand made his decision. Chairman McKenzie was glad to see the application from KOA and their willingness to fill a need. The consensus of the commission was that they didn’t see any problems with the application.
    City Manager Brown stated that staff has come across language in the code that makes it difficult to regulate sidewalks. It is not completely clear in the code. City Manager Brown asked the commission which are the most important points in the code regarding sidewalks. Chairman McKenzie stated that what are the dimensions need to be. Commissioner Bonsall stated to clarify whose job is it to repair and replace sidewalks. Building Official Hildebrand reviewed the ADA requirements every 200 feet of sidewalk in order for 2 wheelchairs to pass each other.Commissioner Bonsall asked whether every residence needs to have a sidewalk – or do we have a walking path on that road. After further discussion on the classification of streets and whether they require a sidewalk in the comprehensive plan on page 56. Chairman McKenzie stated that the city needs to call out what is arterial, collector and residential streets. Consensus was to come up with a way to have an organized discussion about this topic without having too many tangents. City Manager Brown stated staff would come back with a document to the Planning Commission.
  6. Reports
    A. Planning Commissioners
    Chairman McKenzie asked if Commissioner Hansen had anything to report. Commissioner Hanson stated he had been asked about a person on Kansas Avenue who has 17 vehicles in his yard. Brown stated that staff is well aware of the property. Commissioner Hanson there is another property 3 blocks east of Cattletrail that has all their furniture on the outside. Brown stated that the city had gone through a process to remove one trailer that the person owned. The person had moved his items to the house. One trailer is removed and staff is starting to work on the house.
    Commissioner Bonsall had nothing to report.
    Chairman McKenzie had nothing to report.
    B. Staff
    City Manager Brown stated that the city has contracted with Community Matters Inc. to do some work on the city codes regarding housing. As part of that project, they would interview the planning commissioners and the city commissioners on housing in the community. Once that is done, there would be a joint meeting with the city commission to have a facilitated discussion regarding city codes and housing.
    Building Official Zach Hildebrand had nothing to report.
  7. Minutes
    a. September 19, 2023 Minutes
    Commissioner Bonsall moved, seconded by Commission Hansen, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
  8. Adjournment
    Chairman McKenzie motioned to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Bonsall. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
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