April 2, 2018 Commission Minutes
GOODLAND CITY COMMISSION Regular Meeting April 2, 2018 5:00 P.M. Mayor Brian Linin called the meeting to order with Vice-Mayor Jay Dee Brumbaugh, Commissioner Annette Fairbanks, Commissioner John Garcia, and Commissioner Schields responding to roll call. Also present were Rich Simon – Director of Public Works, Dustin Bedore – Director of […]
Resolution 1527

WHEREAS, the City of Goodland, Kansas (the “Issuer”) desires to promote, stimulate and develop the general economic welfare and prosperity of the City of Goodland, and thereby to further promote, stimulate and develop the general economic welfare and prosperity of the State of Kansas; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Kansas Economic […]
Resolution 1526

WHEREAS, the Enforcing Officer of the City of Goodland, Kansas, did on the 5th day of March, 2018, file with the governing body of said city, a statement in writing that the structure, hereinafter described, was unsafe and dangerous; and WHEREAS, the governing body did by Resolution No. 1521, dated the 5th […]
Resolution 1525

WHEREAS, the Enforcing Officer of the City of Goodland, Kansas, did on the 5th day of March, 2018, file with the governing body of said city, a statement in writing that the structure, hereinafter described, was unsafe and dangerous; and WHEREAS, the governing body did by Resolution No. 1520, dated the 5th […]
Resolution 1524

WHEREAS, the Enforcing Officer of the City of Goodland, Kansas, did on the 5th day of March, 2018, file with the governing body of said city, a statement in writing that the structure, hereinafter described, was unsafe and dangerous; and WHEREAS, the governing body did by Resolution No. 1519, dated the 5th […]
Resolution 1523

WHEREAS, the Enforcing Officer of the City of Goodland, Kansas, did on the 5th day of March, 2018, file with the governing body of said city, a statement in writing that the structure, hereinafter described, was unsafe and dangerous; and WHEREAS, the governing body did by Resolution No. 1518, dated the 5th […]
Resolution 1522

WHEREAS, the Enforcing Officer of the City of Goodland, Kansas, did on the 5th day of February, 2018, file with the governing body of said city, a statement in writing that the structure, hereinafter described, was unsafe and dangerous; and WHEREAS, the governing body did by Resolution No. 1515, dated the 5th […]
Ordinance 1712

BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF GOODLAND, KANSAS: SECTION 1. Chapter 5A “Emergencies” of the Goodland Municipal Code is hereby amended to adopt a new Article III which shall read as follows: ARTICLE III. – ALARM SYSTEMS Sec. 5A-301. – Definitions. As used in this Chapter, […]
April 16, 2018 City Commission Agenda
CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance PUBLIC HEARING Unfit Structure: 322 W. 7th Unfit Structure: 823 Cattletrail Unfit Structure: 1405 College Unfit Structure: 516 W. 15th Issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds for Prairiesky Capital Project PUBLIC COMMENT PRESENTATIONS & PROCLAMATIONS Arbor Day Proclamation 2018 CONSENT AGENDA 4-02-18 Commission Meeting Minutes Appropriation Ordinances, 2018-08; […]
Temporary Road Closure: 17th Street from Main to Center
Please be advised that a block of 17th Street between Main and Center will be closed for approximately one week as sewerline repairs are addressed. We ask travelers to plan accordingly and we apologize for any inconvenience.