An Orbitin’ Good Time!
Come by this Saturday, June 1st, for the Space Walk Program! The Space Walk Program is a come and go event from 1:00 – 5:00 PM at the High Plains Museum. This month we will be learning about our solar system and making planet mobiles! Learn about the planets, their sizes and what God or […]
Where’s Orion? Consult the Galaxy Gizmo!
Remember back to elementary school days and the fascinating objects the teacher used to help you learn. It might have been the roll down maps on the blackboard, the globe or a galaxy planetary system. The object featured today is a galaxy planetary system from 1881 built by the Thomas Kane & Company.
A Whole New View
Have you been wondering how the High Plains Museum’s current exhibit Earth From Space relates to you? Earth From Space is a poster exhibit that features images captured by Landsats. Landsats or land satellites orbit the Earth and take pictures from all over the planet. These pictures include environmental changes, urbanization and weather systems. One of the posters, […]
June has Jupiter sized fun!
June is filled with fun events at the High Plains Museum! From seeing Earth from a new perspective to building a moon colony June will have events for the whole family! Currently showing at the High Plains Museum is the exhibit Earth From Space. This is a poster exhibit from the Smithsonian that features Landsat […]
In Memory
In honor of Memorial Day next Monday we have chosen an object related to the brave men and women who serve our country. Have you ever driven down a street and saw a flag hanging from the window with a blue or gold star on it? These flags are called Service Flags and are an […]
I Only Have Eyes for You… My Little Frame Warmer
Have you ever sat on your sunglasses and when you put them on they are lopsided and do not fit right anymore? Now imagine that pair was your eyeglasses. In order to fix your glasses your optometrist might use a frame warmer.
Get your dancin’ shoes on… your chicken dancin’ shoes!
In honor of National Dance Like a Chicken Day today, May 14th, the High Plains Museum is having an egg scavenger hunt around town. Stop by the museum from 3:30 to 5:00 PM to get your clues and start hunting! Once you find a clue take a picture next to the “Dance Like a Chicken […]
The Case of the Exploding Wallet
Have you ever had so many things in your wallet that it just won’t close right anymore? Your wallet has become so full it’s ready to explode? The good news is that there’s a solution to your problem! All you need is a money clip! A money clip holds your money with a clasp that […]