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Goodland USD Students show us The Way We Work

Sami Windle News

"What three jobs do we depend on most? What might happen if we didn't have these jobs in Sherman County? Five six graders in the Goodland USD 352 school system produced a five-minute film that addresses these two questions. Uploaded onto YouTube is the fantastic film developed by the students as pa

Patron Mission: Where was that Lincoln School at?

Sami Windle Around Goodland

Today one of the Museum's visiting patrons was on a mission: he wanted to prove the existence and location of Lincoln School in Goodland to a friend. As Lincoln School has a fascinating history of use in Sherman County, we'd like to share the fruits of his mission with you. (more…)

The one room schoolhouse and Sherman County

Sami Windle Around Goodland, Treasures around Goodland

When Sherman County was first started children went to school in one room school houses.  It was very different from how it is now, with some children only going three months and eight grades were taught in the same room all together!  Teachers taught with whatever they had on hand and boys and gi