The Goodland City Commission is accepting interest from qualified candidates for appointment to a vacancy on the Commission.

Former Mayor and Commissioner Aaron Thompson resigned his seat on the Commission since he and his family were moving to Garden City.  

The Commission will elect, by majority vote, to replace Aaron on the Commission.  They have already selected Jason Showalter to serve as Mayor for 2025. 

According to the city code, the City Commission can appoint anyone who meets the qualifications for the Commission. A candidate must be a qualified elector who physically lives in the city.  A majority vote of remaining members is required to appoint someone to fill a vacancy.

Prospective candidates should consider that the City Commission regularly meets at least twice a month on the first and third Mondays at 5 p.m. at City Hall.  At times, the meeting is moved to Tuesday because of a holiday.  The Commission may also conduct special meetings at other times as deemed necessary including a retreat or work session to go over the strategic plan for the year. The appointed Commission members may be assigned as chairs and/or members of other standing committees as needed. 

Interested persons can mail, email, text or call city staff at City Hall, 214 W. 11th St., or hand deliver notification to City Clerk Mary Volk at City Hall.  Interested persons can also come to the next Commission meeting on Monday, February 3 at 5 pm to notify the Commission of their interest. 

The deadline to express interest is at the City Commission meeting on February 3. 

The City Commission will make the appointments in open session at their meeting on February 18, and the newly appointed member is tentatively scheduled to be sworn in at that meeting. 

It’s about Your City, Your Commission and how YOU can make a difference being a part of the City Commission.  Take a moment to consider and step forward and let the Commission know you are willing to join them in making the hard decisions for the community.  

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