There have been many comments about the City bills the last couple of months. We have had a small handful of people either call or come in to discuss this issue. I have posted a copy of a few residential bills received in Goodland. Here is the breakdown of a residential bill.

Residential Electric – Ordinance 1633 adopted July 2012
Ordinance reads
a. Customer charge: $15.00 per meter.
b. Energy charge, in city: $0.127 per KWH
To Calculate – Electric Consumption x .127(price per kw)+15.00(customer chg.)=Billed
Resident Bill A – 1036*.127+15.00=$146.57.
This was adopted in 2012, this has been your electric rate on all bills since 2012.

OCA – By ordinance, any cost either through generation or through Sunflower Electric (wholesaler) above the budgeted base amount is distributed back to our consumers based on consumption.

Sewer – Ordinance 1527 adopted November 2004
Ordinance Reads
The minimum charge per month shall be $4.56. In addition, each contributor shall pay a usage rate of $1.08 per 100 cubic feet of water based on average monthly usage during the months of December, January and February.
To calculate – Average Water Consumption for 3 winter months/100×1.08 (price per hundred cf) +4.56(minimum charge) =Billed
Residential Bill A – 820/100*1.08+4.56=$13.42

Solid Waste – Ordinance 1599 adopted in February 2009
Ordinance reads
(a) All residential refuse customers within the City of Goodland shall be charged a base rate for the collection of refuse in the amount of $17.00 per month. The base rate includes one collection of refuse, and the tipping fee for such collection, each week
Residential Bill A – $17.00

Residential Water – Ordinance 1671 adopted April 2015
Ordinance Reads
Residential: $1.35 per 100 cubic feet up to 4,000 cubic feet.
$1.50 for each 100 cubic feet over 4,000 cubic feet.
Meters are read in cubic feet.
To Calculate – Consumption/100×1.35 (price per 100 cf) +$20.00 (Meter Charge depends on size of meter, most residential meters are 5/8 to 1”) = Billed
Residential bill A – 1801/100*1.35(price per 100 cf) +20.00(Meter Charge) =$44.31.
Before this ordinance the water rate had been the same since November of 2010.

State Water Plan = 3.2% per 1000 gallons.
To Calculate – Water Consumption (cf) x 7.48(gallons per cf)/1000×3.2%
1801×7.48/1000*3.2% = .44

Sales Tax – The current sales tax is 9%- Broken down 6.5% to State, 2.25% to County and .25%to Schools.
On a residential City bill we pay 2.50% Sales Tax on Electric
Residential bill A – 146.57*2.50%=$3.67

Attached Bills have been shared with permission from the bill’s owner.

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