Green Thumb Reminder!
The High Plains Museum is interested in starting a community garden and would like to know if you want to take part. Find out more here and fill in our survey online. The response so far has been positive, so it looks like we will be proceeding with the garden in Spring 2013. We would […]
Come Celebrate Kansas in Liberal this May!
Kansas Celebration Approaches! The 23rd annual Kansas Sampler Festival will be held May 5-6 in Liberal’s Light Park. If you want to get immersed in Kansas culture, you’ll find it here. What do you know about Paxico, Lecompton, Oberlin, Onaga, Scandia, Humboldt, Arkansas City and Abilene? Learn more about what these and 130 other towns […]
Calling All Pirates and Treasure Seekers!
Discover the history of Sherman County through objects long hidden from public view. The High Plains Museum is opening a new exhibit Friday, April 20th, that features objects pulled from storage. See some great history and learn a little about major projects happening around the City of Goodland. The exhibit boasts some hands on fun, […]
You can always go Downtown
Take a look down Goodland’s Main Street. What do you see? Today’s main street looks very different from that of 1920. No longer do we have a dirt road but paved brick, and while some of the businesses have gone, some of them are still there but with different names.
Houses shaped like a grinder?
When Goodland was first becoming a town, the people who decided to make Goodland their home needed homes. This was a building period, as settlers built their own dwellings made from materials they could find easily. Carpenters would put houses up as fast as they could and for little money, as most settlers did not have […]
Let’s Get Growing!
Rediscover Our Heritage In Northwest Kansas, agriculture is who we were, who we are, and who we will become; it is the lifeblood of our community. Gradually, however, connections are being lost on a personal level. To reconnect with agriculture, the High Plains Museum proposes to create an outdoor agriculture exhibit with a community garden […]
Is there a storm brewin’?
When severe weather is coming, when we want to know how much snow to expect, or when we are listening for the temperature we all listen to information provided by the National Weather Service. In Northwest Kansas, we have a regional office in Goodland. The National Weather Bureau Service is located near the airport and fair grounds […]
Your challenge should you chose to accept it…
The High Plains Museum is hosting a scavenger hunt today March 22nd, tomorrow March 23rd and Saturday March 24th! There are three different themed hunts that are all unique. It is a great way to spend part of the day with your family or a group of friends.
A Grand Time for a Play
Goodland has always had a rich history with the arts. Over the course of time Goodland has had two opera houses, four movie theaters, the Art Coucil’s Annual Dinner Theatre, the Goodland High School Fall Musical Production, the High Plains Museum, the Carnegie Arts Center and the Goodland Public Library. Most of these places or events […]
Let’s Go Fly!
During the 1960’s the Renner Field Municipal Airport was up and running and ready for flight. People could depart and land in Goodland. It also has history ties to the 1940’s and WWII pilots. Today the Renner Field Municipal Airport does not fly passenger planes, it does serve an integral role in the State’s system […]