Are You Brave Enough?

Experience the High Plains Museum after hours this Saturday, June 2nd for Night at the Museum! 6:30 to 7:30 “Bedtime at the Museum” Who: Ages 7-12 What: Arrive at 6:30 for “Bedtime” to hear a story. Come in your PJs if you want! The first 15 kids will make a craft. 7:30 to 11:00 “Late […]

Remembering a Disappearing Generation

The death of Florence Green earlier this year was a significant moment for the world. Mrs. Green, who would have turned 111 on 19 February, was the last surviving World War I veteran. While marking the end of a generation forever, the focus is now on survivors and veterans of World War II and the […]

Kick off Summer during Goodland’s First Week!

June’s First Week, a series of programming during the first week of each month in Goodland, is fast approaching. Stop by the following locales this week for some cultural fun for the whole family: Thursday, May 31: Brown Bag Luncheon (11:00am to 1:00pm) at the Carnegie Arts Center. Pop by for a short program during […]

Thanks to the Vets!

The High Plains Museum would like to offer our thanks to veterans of all wars this Memorial Day. In observance of the holiday, the Museum will be closed Monday, May 28th. Thank a veteran and look for an article in the Goodland Star News about our 2011 Veterans Oral History Project that collected the stories […]

We Chose Goodland

What do you get with five Grant Jr. High students, their ideas, and the museum?  An all new exhibit entitled “We Chose Goodland” being displayed at Mann’s Jewelry/Smitty’s Sports! 

Why We Love Kansas!

In the Kansas! Magazine one can find out all about Kansas.  Where good places to eat are, where to look for great entertainment (including jazz festivals), and where we can learn more about the history of Kansas. The magazine is published by Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism, offering a fantastic taste of Kansas life in each edition. In […]

All Aboard!

Here at the High Plains Museum we have the exhibit of Goodland Treasurers up.  This exhibit shows some of the treasurers of Goodland as well as explaining why Goodland is special.  One of Goodland’s treasures would be the railroad.  The railroad started the serve Goodland in 1888 and continues to serve Goodland today. 

I Pledge…

In August people in the community watch a parade on Main Street, watch livestock shows, and go out to the fair to see what clubs have done, and see crafts and photographs.  These things are all brought to us by 4-H and its members.  4-H is an important part of our community that helps organize […]

Get out Goodland! May First Week is Here!

Help the Carnegie Arts Center, the Goodland Public Library, and the High Plains Museum celebrate Goodland this May during the “First Week” events. This series of events will center around a theme of “Flight”. Drop by the Carnegie, Library or the Museum to experience “Flight” and its connection to Goodland. Schedule of Programs: May 3,Thursday, […]

Ring! Ring! Who’s there?

On the corner of 10th and Main Street sits a building that once was the center of communication and is now a storage facility for the County.  During the 1930’s through the 1970’s, the Telephone Building was a vital part of Goodland life and now serves as a reminder of beautiful architecture and the history […]

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