Regular Meeting

February 18, 2025                                                                                                                5:00 P.M.

Mayor Jason Showalter called the meeting to order with Vice-Mayor J. J. Howard, Commissioner Ann Myers and Commissioner Brook Redlin responding to roll call. 

Also present were Jason Erhart –Chief of Police, Joshua Jordan – IT Director, Kenton Keith – Director of Streets and Facilities, Neal Thornburg – Director of Water and Wastewater, Danny Krayca – Director of Parks, Zach Hildebrand – Code Enforcement/Building Official, Jake Kling – City Attorney, Mary Volk – City Clerk and Kent Brown – City Manager.

Mayor Showalter led Pledge of Allegiance



  1. 02/03/25 Commission Meeting Minutes
  2. Appropriation Ordinances: 2025-04, 2025-04A and 2025-P04

ON A MOTION by Commissioner Redlin to approve Consent Agenda seconded by Commissioner Myers.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 4-0. 


  1. Appointment of City Commissioner – Kent stated, Sarah Artzer announced her willingness to fill the vacancy on the City Commission at the January 6, 2025 meeting.  ON A MOTION by Mayor Showalter to appoint Sarah Artzer to fulfill remaining term of former City Commissioner Thompson until the November 2027 election seconded by Commissioner Redlin.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 4-0. 
  2. Oath of Office of Newly Appointed City Commissioner – Mary administered the Oath of Office to Sarah Artzer for City Commissioner. 


  1. Ordinance 1795: Amending Sections 18-401 of City Code and to Add a Plat Amendment and a Plat Correction Process and Adding Sections 18-404.5 and 18-404.7 – Kent stated, this ordinance would add sections to the Subdivision process for a plat amendment and a plat correction process and adding Sections 18-404.5 and 18-202.7.  These are recommendations from the discussion last year with the Planning Commission and Barbara Cole.  The Planning Commission held a public hearing and recommend approval after the hearing.  There were no comments from the hearing.  ON A MOTION by Vice-Mayor Howard to approve Ordinance 1795: Amending Sections 18-401 of City Code and to Add a Plat Amendment and a Plat Correction Process and Adding Sections 18-404.5 and 18-404.7 seconded by Commissioner Myers.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0. 


  1. Emergency Action Pursuant to Section 7-612 for 2218 Commerce Rd: OYO Hotel Property – Zach stated, we are presenting Resolution 2025-05 to set a public hearing for the unsafe and unfit structure at 2218 Commerce Rd.  We also recommend Resolution 2025-06 granting emergency action to access the property for immediate action to board up windows to keep people out.  There is a report from Jason as to what they have had to do to get people out of property.  Jake recommended both resolutions to inform owners of interest of future action.  Commissioner Artzer asked, does this take care of roaches and rodents Jason previously mentioned?  Zach stated, yes and we may need to treat more than one time.  Mayor Showalter asked, have we received any further response from the owner?  Zach stated, they usually communicate with Jason but there has not been any contact.  Mayor Showalter stated, I had someone reach out to me.  The company owns property in Garden City that is in same condition so feel we are in it for long haul.  ON A MOTION by Mayor Showalter to approve Resolution 2025-06: Granting Emergency Action for the property located at 2218 Commerce Road seconded by Commissioner Redlin.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.  Zach stated, Resolution 2025-05 sets public hearing for unfit structure on March 17, 2025.   ON A MOTION by Mayor Showalter to approve Resolution 2025-05: Unfit Structure 2218 Commerce Road seconded by Commissioner Myers.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0. 
  2. Change Order #4: Runway 5/23 Project- Kent stated, this change order is a price decrease in the amount of $9,687.50 for materials on the project.  This will close out the contractor portion of the project.  ON A MOTION by Vice-Mayor Howard to approve Change Order #4: Runway 5/23 Project with Smoky Hill Construction LLC and authorize the mayor to sign seconded by Commissioner Redlin.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.   
  3. Pay Estimate #8 Smoky Hill Construction LLC: Runway 5/23 Project – Kent stated, this is the final pay estimate including retainage to Smoky Hill Construction LLC on Runway 5/23 project.  Mayor Showalter asked, does this wrap up project?  Andrew Brunner, EBH Engineer stated, it does with the contractor but we still have the PAPI and closeout documents to complete.  Commissioner Artzer asked, is this project federally funded?  Andrew stated, we are fortunate the project was 100% federal grant.  There are portions of change orders where the city may be responsible for 5% or 10%, but majority is federal funding.  Commissioner Artzer asked, are we nervous with federal monies not being received?  Mary stated, we are aware of it but we received notice from FAA approved reimbursement request on the SRE grants at this time.   ON A MOTION by Commissioner Redlin to approve Pay Estimate #8 to Smoky Hill Construction LLC for Runway 5/23 Project in the amount of $149,211.47 seconded by Commissioner Artzer.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.  
  4. Change Order #2: Industrial Park BASE Grant Improvements – Andrew stated, this change order authorizes a decrease of $3,034 in the contract amount authorized by Change Order #1 on the Industrial Park BASE Grant Project Improvements.  Change order #1 increased project scope because bids came in much lower than expected.  The amended contract amount is $1,595,534.89.  Vice-Mayor Howard stated, it is nice having project done so we can promote the Industrial Park.   ON A MOTION by Vice-Mayor Howard to approve Change Order #2 for the Industrial Park BASE Grant Project Improvements as presented seconded by Commissioner Redlin.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
  5. Pay Estimate #6 Miller Construction: Industrial Park BASE Grant Improvements – Andrew stated, this is the final pay estimate to Miller Construction for the Industrial Park BASE Grant Project Improvements in the amount of $77,464.14.  Project went well with contractor.  Mayor Showalter stated, it is nice project came to fruition to make Industrial Park more competitive.  ON A MOTION by Mayor Showalter to approve Pay Estimate #6 to Miller Construction for the Industrial Park BASE Grant Project Improvements in the amount of $77,464.14 seconded by Commissioner Redlin.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
  6. KMEA Board of Director Appointments – Kent stated, the appointments of Dustin Bedore as Director 1 and Kent Brown as Alternate expire April 30, 2025.  Staff recommend the reappointment of Dustin Bedore and Kent Brown for an additional two-year term. Mayor Showalter stated, I appreciate you accepting appointments so we have local voice on boards.  ON A MOTION by Mayor Showalter to approve the reappointment of Dustin Bedore as Director 1 and Kent Brown as Alternate to the KMEA Board of Directors for an additional two-year term seconded by Commissioner Myers.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.

G,  FAA Office and Storage Space at Goodland Airport Lease Renewal – Kent stated, the previous contract commenced in 2016 for a five-year term until October 2021.  Parties acknowledge the Government has paid rent for premises under prior Lease No. DTFACN-16-L-00068 in the total amount of $45,600.00 from October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2024 while in holdover status.   There is an increase in the rent with this lease to $32,428.56 per year.  There has been a number of issues discussed with the lease agreement before this final version was presented.  We have a couple minor items to coordinate with public officials.  They will pay remainder per this contract and staff recommends approval.  ON A MOTION by Commissioner Redlin to approve the FAA Office and Storage Space at Goodland Airport Lease Renewal and authorize the mayor to sign seconded by Vice-Mayor Howard.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.


  1. Sherman County Child Care Coalition – Kent stated, David Blochlinger contacted me about the MOU with Sherman 4C’s on W. 10th property.  They received grant to begin building the child care center.  David stated, we received $250,000 in grant money that can be used to build facility.  We can get house built while we continue working to raise money for plumbing, HVAC, cabinets, etc.  We have an approved contractor and would like to move ahead with his schedule.  We would like the quit claim deed approved next meeting.  Kent stated, the MOU discussion was to transfer property with a quit claim deed when they had the grant money.  Staff needs commission direction on information to include in transfer if want to proceed.  There is a timing issue with contractor schedule to move ahead if approved.  Mayor Showalter stated, I am in favor of an agreement similar to college that if nothing is built within three years property, reverts back to city.  I appreciate this project moved ahead through the initiative of strategic doing.  I would request Kent put together agreement for next meeting.  Jake stated, there is additional discussion needed.  The college is an institution while Sherman 4C’s is volunteer organization and if run out of grant money but have an incomplete structure on property, project, how do we treat the house?  What happens if they have excess cash?  As a non-profit, what do they do with the cash?  This is not a corporation.  The hope is it moves forward and is a thriving day care facility.  David stated, the best scenario is the facility is up and running in six months.  Worst case scenario is property is there with a partial built house.  We have said if it does not work and we exhausted resources, we can sell the house.  As a non-profit we have to donate money somewhere.  Kent stated, that information will have to be outlined in the agreement.  Jake stated, unfortunately the commission may not be same in the future and may not have same plan, so it needs to be outlined in the agreement.  Right now, you have a commission in agreement on facility.  The information just needs to be outlined.  Mayor Showalter stated, only concern we have is if facility is not operating as a day care, the city is paid for the lot we donated.  David stated, it would have been easier to have bought a lot but this will be a good deal for Goodland and we will sign the agreement.  Commissioner Artzer asked, the only City liability is we are giving them the lot.  Vice-Mayor Howard stated, yes, I feel it is fair for both parties and we all want it to succeed. 
  2. 8th Street Project Follow up – Kent stated, Andrew has a list of questions for the commission.  Andrew stated, there is a 4” dead-end water line from Cattletrail to Colorado and 8th Street that we want to move out of roadway and tie in at D’Lao to loop system.  We had brief discussion on lighting.  I have a picture of decorative lights similar to those on south Cherry Street and industrial light poles on Highway 24.  The decorative light will be more expensive but we can bid as an alternate.  There are many options for lighting and I assume you want to move forward with a light option in project.  Vice-Mayor Howard stated, yes, we want lights.  Andrew stated, the primary question is from Cattletrail to west side of Kansas the street is 45’, then widens to 50’ to Cherry Street.  The commission discussed sidewalk options on each side which will be in citizens yards.  Another other option is to narrow street to 42’.  We need to look at current rick on street from snow removal.  Sticking with existing street width it will be difficult for 5’ sidewalks on each side; however, with a narrower street I believe we would have plenty of room.  Vice-Mayor Howard asked, do we remove old sidewalks in existing in yards.  Andrew stated, we will have to look at them, but if left we would make sure meet ADA standards.  Commissioner Redlin asked, would we repurpose sidewalk to use for road bed?  Andrew stated, that will be evaluated in design.  Vice-Mayor Howard asked, what is street in Industrial Park?  Andrew stated, 36’, same as 17th Street.  Looking at current snow rick there is plenty of room for cars parked along street if needed.  There really is not a lot of parking on 8th Street except from Sherman to Main Street.  Mayor Showalter stated, I like idea of a meandering sidewalk and if need to make street narrower we should.  I also feel we need to have decorative lighting on project to make it attractive.  Kenton stated, if road is 36’ wide, parking will be tight.  Commissioner Artzer stated, I agree I would like sidewalks and decorative lights.  Commissioner Myers asked, did we talk about sidewalks on both sides or just one?  Andrew stated, it is comm preference.  If have 8’ path, I do not feel need sidewalk on both sides.  Vice-Mayor Howard asked, how wide is trail in Steever Park?  Andrew stated, 8’, which is typical for trail paths.  Mayor Showalter asked, what does commission need to do for staff?  Andrew stated, we need these answers to get the project moving forward for bond monies.  I can figure the electrical but width of street will make a big difference.  Kent stated, yes, we need width of road surface.  I feel 42’ would work best.  Commissioner Myers asked, is that with 8’sidwalk?  Kent stated, that is width of street with curb and gutter.  Commissioner Artzer asked, would we have to enforce no parking?  Andrew stated, not necessary with small snow events, but will have to enforce with larger snows.  Jake stated, I recommend enforce code as written when event occurs.  Consensus of commission is 42’ width for street.  Andrew stated, I do not feel you will see a big transition.  We will match existing intersections like Main and Caldwell then tie into Cherry Street.  It will be a gradual change.  Vice-Mayor Howard asked, will 8’ meandering sidewalk be on one side?  Andrew stated, it will be pushed into people’s yards but will be in right of way.  We will have to look at obstacles like trees to see how it will be designed.  Kent stated, it will be about the same as two 5’ sidewalks.  Kent asked, do you want sidewalk on one or both sides?  Sounds like commission wants meandering sidewalk.  Commissioner Redlin stated, I feel meandering sidewalk will be difficult with trees and who is responsible for growth up to sidewalk.  Vice-Mayor Howard asked, what is price for a sidewalk on each side compared to one meandering sidewalk?  Andrew stated, if have 8’ sidewalk, it will have to stop at Center Street by Western State Bank and GAC.  It cannot meander around park, but that is decent sidewalk.  Commissioner Artzer stated, I agree with Commissioner Redlin.  I do not see benefit of meandering sidewalk and if it costs more, I am not in favor.  I have not been involved in previous discussions, but I feel the two sidewalks will be better.  Andrew stated, looking at existing sidewalks, it is my understanding property owners take care of the grass up to sidewalk in right of way.  Mayor Showalter stated, whichever way we go, need to make sure this is a walkable street for pedestrians.  Andrew stated, I can put worst case scenario in for bond counsel then evaluate when look at design costs.  Kent stated, with decision on width of street, we will be able to move forward.  Final item is lighting; is general consensus decorative lighting?  Mayor Showalter stated, I feel we need to look at price for both types of lighting.  Estimate costs on 42’ street then costs for both options on remaining items.  Vice-Mayor Howard asked, does this include Highway 27 to Cattletrial?  Andrew stated, that will be part of project estimate.  Kent stated, we may have to address that portion separately as it will be the most difficult to route people around.  Andrew stated, once we work up costs, we will look at phasing for construction.    
  3. Water Tower Maintenance Proposal – Kent stated, Viking has presented two different proposals for repairs and painting needed on North Tower.  First option is to complete in one year and second option is to spread over two years.  This project was part of the initial proposal from Rick Penner on water improvements required.  They completed power plant tower last year.  The biggest item on the north tower is interior painting.  We feel spreading project over two years would be best for operations and citizen use.  The interior of tower needs to be addressed.  Neal stated, there are some changes on the tower like the roof vent to allow a second access they need to address.  Then there are a couple other items that we can address.  Mayor Showalter asked, does staff need direction as to which bid to accept. Kent stated, staff recommends split repairs over two years.  Commissioner Redlin asked, what is state of other towers?  Are they in good enough condition to spread these repairs over two years?  Neal stated, the south tower was built in 1999 and has never been painted, but this one has other deficiencies that KDHE needs us to address.  Vice-Mayor Howard asked, when was north power painted?  Neal stated, early 1990’s.  Kent stated, staff can address outflow repairs at bottom of tower.  The interior needs to be addressed by professionals.  These are typical repairs for water towers.  ON A MOTION by Commissioner Redlin to approve the proposal from Viking Industrial Painting for repairs and painting on north water tower completed over two years in equal payments of $77,900 per year seconded by Commissioner Artzer.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
  4. Stoplight at 12th and Main Street follow up – Kent stated, currently we have four-way stop at the intersection as lights are not functioning.  We need to discuss whether commission feels a two-way or four-way stop sign is better at intersection before staff presents a resolution.  Kenton stated, if we leave as a four-way all we have to do is drill holes for signs as the blocks are there.  If want a two-way we have to pull up blocks and lay brick again.  We can place stop signs either way.  Jason stated, I feel a four-way stop is better with traffic at movie theater.  In summer there is a lot of foot traffic on Main Street.  Kent stated, this was discussed with staff, most feel a two-way may be better for traffic flow, but it was mixed between both options.  The school is a block down from this intersection.  Commissioner Artzer stated, I take that road every day and I have seen someone run the signs because they are difficult to see with cars parked.  Jason stated, going east-west, it is difficult to see around parked cars.  That is why I like the light.  Commissioner Redlin stated, Dustin brought up LED lights around stop sign to draw attention.  Andrew stated, it would be good to put a warning light if we need to move the sign. It signals to drivers that there is different signage at that location.  Kenton stated, we can do solar or LED lights.  Jake stated, I know people have run the stop sign because we are creatures of habit and have to change behaviors.  Mayor Showalter stated, I am in favor of a 4 way stop there and I feel we need to have a light on the signs to inform people they need to change behaviors.  Kenton stated, we did solar at West School and they have worked well for two years.  Mayor Showalter said that staff has direction for a resolution. 
  5. Set date for Strategic Planning Work Session – Kent stated, in past commission selected off Mondays for work sessions.  There are five Mondays in March.  Mayor Showalter stated, I requested this item on agenda to make sure we have time to discuss vision for City.  Commissioner Redlin stated, March Mondays will not work for me.  Mayor Showalter stated, what about March 4th at 5:00 pm.  Consensus of commission is in agreement with Mayor Showalter.  


  1. City Manager – 1.  Manager memo is in the packet.  2. January month end fund balance and police monthly activity reports are in the packet.  3.  Zach stated, 508 W. 15th Street was discussed with commission last November.  S & M Repair has worked with property owners so city will not have to address as nuisance.  
  2. City Commissioners

Vice-Mayor Howard – 1.  Welcome Commissioner Artzer to Commission and thank you for volunteering to serve.   

Commissioner Artzer – 1.  Thank the Commission for choosing me, I am excited to participate.

Commissioner Redlin – 1.  Thank city crews on snow removal, good job completing.  Commissioner Myers – 1.  Echo Vice-Mayor Howard and Commissioner Redlin comments.

ADJOURNMENT WAS HAD ON A MOTION BY Commissioner Redlin seconded by Commissioner Myers.  Motion carried by unanimous VOTE; meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m.  Next meeting is scheduled for March 3, 2025.


ATTEST:                                                                               Jason Showalter, Mayor


Mary P. Volk, City Clerk

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