Regular Meeting

February 3, 2025                                                                                                                  5:00 P.M.

Mayor Jason Showalter called the meeting to order with Vice-Mayor J. J. Howard and Commissioner Brook Redlin responding to roll call.  Commissioner Ann Myers was reported absent. 

Also present were Dustin Bedore – Director of Electric Utilities, Jason Erhart –Chief of Police, Joshua Jordan – IT Director, Kenton Keith – Director of Streets and Facilities, Neal Thornburg – Director of Water and Wastewater, Danny Krayca – Director of Parks, Jake Kling – City Attorney, Mary Volk – City Clerk and Kent Brown – City Manager.

Mayor Showalter led Pledge of Allegiance



  1. 01/21/25 Commission Meeting Minutes – ON A MOTION by Commissioner Redlin to approve the 01/25/2025 Commission Meeting Minutes seconded by Vice-Mayor Howard.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 3-0. 
  2. Appropriation Ordinances: 2025-03, 2025-03A and 2025-P03 – ON A MOTION by Vice-Mayor Howard to approve Appropriation Ordinances: 2025-03, 2025-03A and 2025-P03 seconded by Commissioner Redlin.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 3-0. 


  1. Ordinance 1792: Creating Land Bank, Board of Trustees – Kent stated, ordinance outlines staggering of initial board appointments as commission discussed.  ON A MOTION by Mayor Showalter to approve Ordinance 1792: Creating Land Bank, Board of Trustees seconded by Vice-Mayor Howard.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 3-0.
  2. Resolution 2025-02: Set Public Hearing for 302 W. 15th Street Unfit Structure – Kent stated, communication and building official statement setting date of public hearing as March 3rd, which we will have to correct in resolution.  This property has been involved with similar actions over past two years which have not been addressed.  The main house and additional structures on property need to be addressed.  ON A MOTION by Commissioner Redlin to approve Resolution 2025-02: Set Public Hearing for 302 W 15th Street Unfit Structure as revised, setting hearing date to March 3, 2025 seconded by Mayor Showalter.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 3-0.
  3. Resolution 2025-03: Set Public Hearing for 1004 Kansas Avenue Unfit Structure – Kent stated, similar to above item, hearing for property should be March 3rd.  This property is west of City Hall on Kansas Street and has had number of issues last couple years.  Vice-Mayor Howard asked, have owners been informed?  I know they are local.  Kent stated, he has had communication several times in the past year.  Tennant’s have moved out and communication has stopped.  ON A MOTION by Commissioner Redlin to approve Resolution 2025-03: Set Public Hearing for 1004 Kansas Avenue Unfit Structure as revised, setting hearing date to March 3, 2025 seconded by Vice-Mayor Howard.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 3-0.
  4. Resolution 2025-04: Set Public Hearing for 1615 Center Avenue Unfit Structure – Kent stated, similar to above items, hearing for property should be March 3rd.  Owner of structure has passed away and we are unable to contact anyone related to property.  All correspondence has been returned.  Vice-Mayor Howard asked, was there a fire in back of this house?  Kent stated, I believe so.  ON A MOTION by Vice-Mayor Howard to approve Resolution 2025-04: Set Public Hearing for 1615 Center Avenue Unfit Structure as revised, setting hearing date to March 3, 2025 seconded by Mayor Showalter.  Mayor Showalter stated, I appreciate the work Zach has done to address the unfit properties.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 3-0.


  1. Appoint Trustees to the Goodland Land Bank – Kent stated, we are requesting temporary appointments to the Board of Trustees to take necessary action until formal appointments can be approved.  Discussion has been to appoint the commission as trustees until we can fill the board.  Mayor Showalter stated I agree but I would like to see other individuals fill the board of trustees.    ON A MOTION by Mayor Showalter to approve the appointment of Commissioner Myers, Commissioner Redlin, Vice-Mayor Howard and myself to the Board of Trustees for the Goodland Land Bank seconded by Commissioner Redlin.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 3-0. 


  1. Request to Submit Grant Application to SCCF for resurfacing pickleball courts – Kent stated, Dax Ruhs has contacted staff about resurfacing and rearranging pickleball courts.  The pickleball community requested more courts in the past, which we have done but now they are too close when people are on each court.  The vendor that resurfaced our tennis court provided an estimate to resurface and rearrange the courts.  The discussion with Sherman County Community Foundation is they are requiring a local share on the grants.  The vendor said there is room to rearrange the courts then resurface.  Danny stated, we will apply for grant and see what we receive.  If staff needs to provide more labor for project we will.  Mayor Showalter stated, I appreciate partnering with foundation for projects in town.  Consensus of commission is to proceed with grant application.
  2. Unfit Structures: Commercial Properties – Kent stated, we have a couple commercial properties causing extra concern from law enforcement.  The OYO hotel has been in an ownership dispute and owners have not been responsive at this point and have no manager on property.  The police have responded multiple times to the property and additional damage is being done to building.  The electric crew has placed additional lighting which has not deterred access to property.  Jason stated, we have been out there three times in past two weeks.  One time we found a transient that is listed as a violent offender.  We responded again last night.  Each time they break a window out it is on lower level so we have pushed dressers up to windows with security tape to know if someone has entered property.  Last night they did damage for easier access.  On the top floor the ceiling is falling in because of water and snow on roof.  There are roaches throughout the property.  Every time we go out there someone has accessed property.  We have put evidence tape on door so we can tell if anyone entered.  Owners are in a litigation battle over the hotel.  We have discussed boarding up bottom windows and two south doors to prevent access.  There is a lot of stuff inside the property and every time we go in stuff has been moved.  It is dangerous for officers to go inside property.  Now cats are also inside property.  Someone shattered west door windows, but we solved that case and charging individuals.  Mayor Showalter asked, where are we with unfit structure process with property.  Kent stated, our suggestion is to start process so owners know the city can take further action.  It will be a large project.  At this point, we are frustrated with inability of response because been dealing with issue since last year.  Jason stated, utilities are off but it was left with food in freezers and in rooms.  Mayor Showalter stated, when we look at budget, we need to look at the cost to demolish the property.  Kent stated, in order to take action to secure facility other than temporary emergency, we need to begin process.  Mayor Showalter stated, I am on board to start process.  Vice-Mayor Howard stated, something needs to be done and it will be a big expense.  It would be nice if they would pay to have it boarded up.  Jason stated, the owners live in Missouri and were going to board up property, but they did not show up.  They are receptive to me right now, but are in litigation.  Kent stated, the other property in discussion is Roadway Inn property, specifically the pool area.  They did tear down a garage on other end of property, but the pool is unsightly.  Remainder of property does not have serious issues but pool area is causing problems.  Staff would also like to start process on this property.  Vice-Mayor Howard stated, it would be nice if he would just fix it up, but he will not.  Most glass damage is from rocks being thrown by a mower.  Kent stated, it will never be used for a pool again.  Mayor Showalter stated, I do not believe a letter from us would motivate them, but feel we should start process on both properties.  Commissioner Redlin asked, can we impose fines for these items?  Jake stated, the reason property is in this condition is they do not have money to fix it up.  Regarding OYO, if we have that much of a problem with no response there are probably steps outlined in code to take emergency possession and make property safe.  Then we can start process for unfit structure and blithe.  THE OYO is in a foreclosure action.  If they do not have money to fix property, they do not have money to pay attorney.  If that is the case, our process is to make it safe before we proceed.  On Roadway, it is not as much of a safety concern but that it looks bad.  We need to demolish properties but will most likely have to be in phases because of the cost.  We will have non-responsive owners and most likely back taxes and no insurance.  I will review the code to determine process to proceed.  Jason stated, previously according to the lien holder he has investors lined up to fix it up.  He found out there was no insurance so he insured property.  Mayor Showalter stated, I feel OYO is an immediate priority and will be a long time problem for us.  I feel we need to get started on process as soon as possible.  Jake stated, I will review code for safety concerns; where it is located by interstate it invites trafficking. 
  3. 12th and Main Street Stoplight Maintenance – Dustin stated, I contacted Gades Sales, who do our controller work.  They felt it was a loose connection.  We have checked all connections and moved modules around on board but there are no loose connections.  I do know it was hit when the contractor redid brick streets.  The problem was fixed but conduit was not replaced underground.  We can replace the conduit but will have to bore under Main Street and take out sidewalks.  Mayor Showalter stated, this is an example why I voted to remove last stop light.  If we are not able to fix it, we need to look at doing the same thing for this light.  Dustin stated, I do not believe we will get wire through conduit or how close we can get conduit to base.  Commissioner Redlin stated, I am not opposed to a four way stop sign or let Main Street be a through street.  Kent stated, the electric crew can accomplish it, but it will take additional work and money so uncertain we want to attempt.  We can bring resolution to review at next meeting.  Mayor Showalter stated, we need to explore options to change traffic control device at intersection.  Kent stated, if we do place stop signs on Main Street, they need to be seen, but we do not want them to close on sides because it is a liability of them being hit.  We will put together resolution to discuss.


  1. City Manager – 1.  Manager memo is in the packet.  2. Neal stated, Walnut Street water project is proceeding.  We had to open street at 15th and Walnut because no room to tie in line.  We have bored line to north and south and will close next week.  The pressure test passed on Cherry Street and if pass State samples we will open line.  We will finish line from 15th to 16th then pressure test.  3.  College received a grant for the Topside Trail Lighting Project.  The Electrical program will be installing lighting this spring on east side of trail, then in fall semester complete work in Steever Park.  They are working with our electric crew but mainly it is the college program completing work.   4.  We received a letter from the Lt. Governor approving the RHID on Northwest side of Goodland.  The developer has been informed and will complete next step of project.    5.  Sherman 4C’s received grant and would like to place a banner at future building for child care coalition.  They will need to do additional fund raising to complete entire project as the grant is about $100,000 short.  6.  We have received one proposal for the new power contract.  We are waiting for an additional proposal.  Staff has been meeting with Waterworth on rate discussion, which will come back to Commission. 
  2. City Commissioners

Vice-Mayor Howard – 1.  No Report

Commissioner Myers – 1.  Absent, No Report

Commissioner Redlin – 1.  No Report 

ADJOURNMENT WAS HAD ON A MOTION BY Vice-Mayor Howard seconded by Mayor Showalter.  Motion carried by unanimous VOTE; meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.  Next meeting is scheduled for February 18, 2025.


ATTEST:                                                                               Jason Showalter, Mayor


Mary P. Volk, City Clerk

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