Regular Meeting
January 6, 2025 5:00 P.M.
Vice-Mayor J. J. Howard called the meeting to order with Commissioner Jason Showalter and Commissioner Ann Myers responding to roll call. Commissioner Brook Redlin is reported absent. Mayor Aaron Thompson’s resignation effective December 31, 2024 left a vacancy on Commission.
Also present were Dustin Bedore – Director of Electric Utilities, Jason Erhart –Chief of Police, Joshua Jordan – IT Director, Kenton Keith – Director of Streets and Facilities, Neal Thornburg – Director of Water and Wastewater, Danny Krayca – Director of Parks, Zach Hildebrand – Code Enforcement/Building Official, Jake Kling – City Attorney, Mary Volk – City Clerk and Kent Brown – City Manager.
Vice-Mayor Howard led Pledge of Allegiance
- Sarah Artzer – Sarah, citizen of Goodland stated, I want to introduce myself and put my name in for the vacancy. I am a 2016 Goodland High School graduate, then graduated from Wichita State University in Business Management with minor in Psychology. My husband and I moved to Kansas City then moved back to Goodland in 2022. My first focus when moving back was to get involved in the community. We are involved with Goodland Ambassadors, currently serving as Vice President. I currently work remotely for Trevipay, a business to business credit company. My husband is Koal Artzer, life-long Goodland resident. He started his new business in 2024. I grew up around government as I am the daughter of Gerry Bieker, previous Goodland City Manager. I have a passion for community and for Goodland. I want to help make it as good as it can be. Vice-Mayor Howard thanked Sarah for volunteering for open position. The commission will be discussing the process to fill the vacancy later in the meeting.
- 12/16/24 Commission Meeting Minutes
- Appropriation Ordinances: 2025-01, 2025-01A, 2025-01B, 2025-01C, 2025-P01 and 2025-P01A
ON A MOTION by Commissioner Myers to approve Consent Agenda seconded by Commissioner Showalter. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 3-0.
- Election of Mayor for 1 year term – ON A MOTION by Commissioner Myers to appoint Commissioner Showalter as Mayor for 1 year term seconded by Commissioner Howard. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 3-0.
- Oath of Office: Mayor – Mary administered Mayor Showalter the Oath of Office.
- Election of Vice-Mayor for 1 year term – ON A MOTION by Mayor Showalter to appoint Commissioner Howard as Vice-Mayor for 1 year term seconded by Commissioner Myers. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 3-0.
- Oath of Office: Vice-Mayor – Mary administered Vice-Mayor Howard the Oath of Office.
- Welcome Center Lease Agreement Renewal – Kent stated, this lease has been in effect for several years. The annual renewal with SCCD is under the same terms. ON A MOTION by Vice-Mayor Howard to approve the renewal of the Welcome Center Lease Agreement seconded by Commissioner Myers. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 3-0.
- 2026 Airport Capital Improvement Plan Approval – Kent stated, this is the annual AIP plan submitted to FAA to assist grant funding. This lays out the City’s plan for a number of years. Darin Neufeld, EBH Engineering completed the FY2026 Airport Improvement Plan for the City and reviewed plan with Airport Board in December. All project grants will be split 90/10 and are listed in current day prices. They approved the following projects for the FY26 FAA 1-5 year project list:
1. Snow Removal Equipment Building $395,800 $356,220 Federal $39,580 City
2. Design Runway 12/30 Extension $270,590 $243,531 Federal $27,059 City
3. ILS Relocation for 12/30 Extension $1,600,000 $1,440,000 Federal $160,000 City
4. Runway 12/30 Extension $3,319,090 $2,987,181 Federal $331,909 City
Mayor Showalter asked, what projects are currently going on at the airport? Andrew Brunner, EBH Engineer stated, we finished extension construction of crosswind runway. The PAPI was moved same distance. We need to complete final paperwork. Sealing and painting of runway is complete. SRE equipment was purchased and is running. The city used equipment today with the weather. This plan is the FAA planning tool to budget projects but is not set in stone. If priorities change the city will just need to discuss changes with FAA. Kent stated, the FAA allocates $150,000 annually to City projects. When the bank balance reaches amount needed to complete project, we can apply for grant. ON A MOTION by Commissioner Myers to approve 2026 Airport Capital Improvement Plan as presented seconded by Vice-Mayor Howard MOTION carried on a VOTE of 3-0.
- Amendment to Trash Contract – 24/7 Travel Store – Kent stated, we received this request from 24/7 Travel Store who have been having issues with number of times trash is picked up. They have implemented a compactor with roll off at other locations which has been more efficient. We discussed the issue with Chuck Redlin at In the Can who feels it will work better for his operations also. The Travel Store was at a previous meeting requesting an amendment to contract to exclude 24/7 Travel Store. Vice-Mayor Howard asked, when will this take effect? Kent stated, when 24/7 Travel Store has operation set up. ON A MOTION by Mayor Showalter to approve the amendment to the Solid Waste Contract with In the Can, LLC to add exclusion to Section Two of the contract for the property known as 24/7 Travel Store seconded by Commissioner Myers. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 3-0.
- Process to fill vacant seat on the Commission – Kent stated, relative to this process the city code states the appointment will fulfill the unexpired term and the individual must be a city resident. It is up to Commission how process takes place. We needed to wait until Commissioner Thompson was off commission to discuss. Jake stated, the code is not helpful so we will need to revise it. Kansas Statute states we have 60 days from date of vacancy, which was December 31st. The Commission appoints someone, then by majority vote the individual will fulfill unexpired term, which in this case is 3 years. There is limited guidance on how to fill vacancy. I feel you need to determine a timeline for the process. No discussion can be in executive session, so all discussion needs to be in public meeting. I was unaware that if you have a tie vote, City Attorney is the deciding vote. If vacancy not filled in 60-day time period, have to file for special election. Mayor Showalter asked, how has it been done historically? Mary stated, the Commission asked for volunteers and they introduced themselves to the Commission and Commission voted to fill the vacancy. Vice-Mayor Howard stated, tonight we need to have a timeline set. Jake stated, that is my recommendation. Mayor Showalter asked, can we set first meeting in February as date for individuals to make statement during public comment like Sarah did? I recommend placing an ad in newspaper indicating date we will vote on vacancy. Commissioner Myers stated, I will not be in attendance for first meeting. Mayor Showalter stated, I recommend we move vote to second meeting. Kent stated, I recommend volunteers submit name by first meeting in February. They can make statement at that meeting, but vote at second meeting in February. Mayor Showalter asked, once someone makes a statement in public comment, they will be considered an applicant? Kent stated, yes and you will not accept anyone after first meeting in February. Jake stated, there is no application process so you could just fill vacancy today but if not filled by 60th day, we have to hold special election and vacancy remains until election is held.
- City Manager – 1. Manager memo is in the packet. 2. December month end financial, Police monthly activity and Building Permit quarterly and annual reports are in the packet. 3. Dustin stated, we were contacted over weekend that east/west lights for stoplight at 12th and Main were not working. This morning, I contacted Gaedes. We are testing to trace fault and if can fix it we will. They also determined when we completed last brick project a wire may have been hit. If we cannot fix, we will have to come back to Commission to discuss options. The cost could be up to $30,000 to replace. It would save us if we can use parts from the stoplight we removed, but if it is underground wiring, it will require some time and cost. Kent stated, we need to determine problem first, but depending on result, we may be back to commission. 4. Former Mayor Thompson received communication from Cameron Cross creator of our easel and wanted to share some thoughts on the project. He is beginning process for 4th painting. Original plan was seven paintings in different countries. He is getting frustrated because he wants to proceed but not having success. He asked since Kansas is Sunflower State, the possibility of creating four remaining paintings in other Kansas cities? This would have to be approved by Goodland but could work with Kansas tourism. Commissioner Myers asked, when was original painting put up? Kent stated, around 2000 then redone in 2012 but needs to be redone again. It is nice that it is unique to Goodland. Do not know if it would it help or hinder our painting.
- City Commissioners
Vice-Mayor Howard – 1. No Report
Commissioner Myers – 1. No Report
Commissioner Redlin – 1. Absent, No Report
- Mayor– 1. No Report
ADJOURNMENT WAS HAD ON A MOTION BY Vice-Mayor Howard seconded by Commissioner Myers. Motion carried by unanimous VOTE, meeting adjourned at 5:38 p.m. Next meeting is scheduled for January 21, 2025.
ATTEST: Jason Showalter, Mayor
Mary P. Volk, City Clerk