Regular Meeting
November 4, 2024 5:00 P.M.
Mayor Aaron Thompson called the meeting to order with Vice-Mayor J. J. Howard, Commissioner Jason Showalter, Commissioner Ann Myers and Commissioner Brook Redlin responding to roll call.
Also present were Dustin Bedore – Director of Electric Utilities, Jason Erhart –Chief of Police, Joshua Jordan – IT Director, Kenton Keith – Director of Streets and Facilities, Neal Thornburg – Director of Water and Wastewater, Danny Krayca – Director of Parks, Zach Hildebrand – Code Enforcement/Building Official, Mary Volk – City Clerk and Kent Brown – City Manager.
Mayor Thompson led Pledge of Allegiance
- Public Hearing: 321 Broadway Unfit Structure – Mayor Thompson opened public hearing for unfit structure at 321 Broadway at 5:01 p.m. Zach stated, I have had no contact with property owner and all mail is returned as undeliverable. I recommend we move forward on property. There was a foundation dug but no structure on property. Last year Commission dealt with removing a shipping container from property. Mayor Thompson closed public hearing for unfit structure at 321 Broadway at 5:02 p.m.
- Public Hearing: 508 W. 15th Street Unfit Structure – Mayor Thompson opened public hearing for unfit structure at 508 W. 15th Street at 5:02 p.m. Zach stated, last year owner was contacted and indicated they were going to tear it down, but did not. They do not have money for it now. She is going to apply for the demolition grant program which takes 90 days so I would ask we adjust the 30 day time frame. Commissioner Showalter stated, I feel if they need 90 days to apply for grant, I have no problem extending as long as they come in tomorrow to apply. Mayor Thompson closed public hearing for unfit structure at 508 W. 15th Street at 5:03 p.m.
- Bill Biermann USD 352 Superintendent: Plans for Career Tech Building at High School – Bill stated, School Board has been in discussion about our career and technical education building. This is green metal building south of high school. We have some code issues that have come up with building and eventually will have to do something. We are looking at a plan that involves the City and a city street. I also want to visit about extension of City sales tax. In 2013 we passed a bond election for a $.25 City sales tax. We appreciate community support of the bond and attaching $.25 City sales tax. With the city sales tax, the City can use 10% to help offset infrastructure costs. The bond was used to renovate West School, North School and JH-HS. We are proud of what we were able to do with the $15M bond. Central School has been slowly renovated with grants and Spark money but we have never touched the Career and Technical Education (CTE) building. It is an old inefficient building that does not meet needs for current programs. In addition, it is used for other programs like Robotics, Science Olympiad, Technology and a broadcast studio but we have no space for programs. We bought and demolished houses on lot west of High School for additional parking during events. We are considering building the CTE building there. We still own one existing house next to lot. If we use site for building we will demolish this house also. The current building has 9,800 square feet, this lot is 24,000 square feet. We have an initial drawing of building and how it would look on lot that we will continue to fine tune. As an option, we looked at remodeling current structure with an addition in the parking lot but this cost is estimated $2.7M and we still have an old building. The new building is estimated at $4M. We feel we should build new because State will pay a weighting factor based on our poverty factors. Our factor will be 25% or about $1M which brings new cost close to remodel. 1 mill generates approximately $100,000. We operate on 6 mill capital outlay budget. We have authority to go to 8 mills, but never have. Most schools in Kansas use 8 mills for capital outlay budget. If we increase 2 mills it would generate $200,000 but is that what community wants. We started looking at other options like grants and $.25 sales tax previously passed for bond. With the 20 year note we are scheduled to pay off four years early in 2029 which will save about 8.75 mills. The $.25 tax is for 20 years but is tied to bond so even if we pay off early it is tied bond. We want to look at continuing the sales tax for this project. The $.25 tax generated $275.0000 a year when it began and last year about $363,000. This year we will exceed that amount. If it generates about $400,000 we feel we should look at it. It will be about $3.5M which falls in line with 10 year project. At last meeting the Board decided to continue looking at this option. I wanted to evaluate how our sales tax rates compares to other communities. Kanorado is the highest sales tax in the state. We are with nine other communities of like size and schools. The 6.5% tax on food will go away in January but remains for everything else. Over 10 years the $.25 tax will generate about $3.5M for project. Of course it will not go into effect until the bond is paid off. We would use some existing money in capital outlay plan. City costs are the $.25 tax plus City can use 10% to pay for infrastructure. If we build new, would City also consider supporting changing Cherry Street from 12th to 13th into a one way? It makes sense with traffic flow and safety. We believe this offers best option, instead of current location. We have also discussed what we do with current building. With this building we also own maintenance shop north of Casey’s, storage shed over by Wheatridge Acres and the warehouse. If we build new, we can sell one of the other locations and utilize current CTE building for maintenance. We need to know first if the City would support putting a question on the ballot for the community to decide on a 10 year $.25 sales tax to fund new building. Then also does the City support the concept to turn Cherry Street into a one way between 12th and 13th. We are still in planning stages but would like to know what the commission thinks of these two concepts so we can move forward with options. Commissioner Showalter asked, why have we not considered the street a one way before now? With busses after school there is a lot of traffic. Bill stated, it is busy throughout the day. When bells ring between classes, there is a lot of traffic all day. Kent stated, I feel planning commission should be involved with a change in traffic pattern. I believe they will be in favor, but need to be involved. Jason asked, will there be a better crossing for students than we have now for current building? Bill stated, we have curb outs in the plan and we will need to work with City on traffic. At West School we have a bump to slow traffic, but the curb out makes it more noticeable. With a new building you will have secure access which we do not have at current building. Jason asked, if the City makes that stretch of street 20 mph while school is in session it will help. Bill stated, I think it is smart to have planning commission involved. I feel the current traffic flow is more south to north. Vice-Mayor Howard stated, I think a new building is a good idea because it provides a better learning facility with room. Continuation of a current tax is easier than to start a new tax. Commissioner Showalter stated, when it comes to the sales tax and whether it should be on ballot, it would take me time to warm up to idea. If you can sell it to the public, I support letting the community decide. Bill stated, yes we will have to sell the continuation of sales tax to the public. Commission just needs to be in support of us putting it on the ballot for the public to decide. We are probably looking at new building anyway, just how will it be paid. The challenge of the board is we have been trying to save, but we are never going to save enough for the project and keep money in the bank. Inflation continues to be a battle with saving money. Commissioner Myers stated, I like the new building and the one way street for safety. Bill stated, we will let the commission ponder and will need a decision from commission after first of the year. 2029 is a few years away. We are prepared to put issue to the public and if voted down, we will go to plan B. I do appreciate working with city. We have a great partnership with police, administration, and street crews. Other school districts do not have this partnership.
- 10/21/24 Commission Meeting Minutes
- Appropriation Ordinances: 2024-21, 2024-21A and 2024-P21
ON A MOTION by Commissioner Showalter to approve Consent Agenda seconded by Commissioner Redlin. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
- Resolution 1648: FY2022 KS SLCGP Grants – Joshua stated, the City was awarded four cybersecurity grants for equipment outlined in resolution. The total award for all grants is $109,551. Resolution authorizes mayor to sign grant paperwork. This grant process started July 2023. Mayor Thompson stated, it is amazing we received the grants to boost our system. Joshua stated, the first grant replaces mobile data terminal or units for police. The new ones are top of the line and we will end up with thirteen new units. Second grant replaces a server which allows for encryption. Third grant is new NAS for virtual machines and archiving data that is highly accessible. Final grant is for wireless bridge upgrades between buildings. ON A MOTION by Commissioner Redlin to approve Resolution 1648: FY2022 KS SLCGP Grants seconded by Commissioner Myers. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
- Resolution 1649: 321 Broadway Unfit Structure – Zach stated, resolution allows property owner 30 days to commence backfilling foundation and removal of construction materials from the site before the City proceeds. I feel it is time to move forward on property. ON A MOTION by Commissioner Showalter to approve Resolution 1649: 321 Broadway Unfit Structure seconded by Vice-Mayor Howard. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
- Resolution 1650: 508 W. 15th Street Unfit Structure – Zach stated, resolution allows property owner 30 days to commence repair of the building or the Commission will raise and remove the building from the site. Since owner contacted me today and is going to complete demolition application, I feel we should give more time for application. Vice-Mayor Howard asked, should we consider amending time frame to 90 days? ON A MOTION by Mayor Thompson to approve Resolution 1650: 508 W. 15th Street Unfit Structure, amending the time frame to 90 days seconded by Commissioner Showalter. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
- Change Order #1: Caldwell Cost Share Project – Andrew stated, change order is recommended to adjust all quantities to as constructed quantities. It was a good project and change order is a net decrease of $18,117.61. In middle of project discovered street had a good sub-base so did not have to complete as much patching. We also had a contract increase from 16th to 17th Street to widen the driving path, but end result is a net decrease. ON A MOTION by Commissioner Showalter to approve Change Order #1 on Caldwell Cost Share Project to adjust all quantities to as constructed quantities, resulting in a net decrease in the amount of $18,117.61 seconded by Commissioner Redlin. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
- Pay Estimate #1: Caldwell Cost Share Project – Andrew stated, this is first and final pay estimate to Bettis Asphalt & Construction in the amount of $375,863.24. ON A MOTION by Commissioner Showalter to approve pay estimate #1 to Bettis Asphalt & Construction in the amount of $375,863.24 seconded by Vice-Mayor Howard. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
- Pay Estimate #4: Industrial Park Improvements – Andrew stated, this is for continued work by Miller Construction in the Industrial Park in the amount of $454,968.01. We are close to 99% of concrete being complete and project is moving ahead well. We have had good weather. There was a minor issue that required grinding, but not much. Millers have to tie in sanitary sewer line and water crew will finish water lines in near future. ON A MOTION by Commissioner Showalter to approve pay estimate #4 to Miller Construction in the amount of $454,968.01 seconded by Commissioner Myers. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
- Water Main Replacement Project: Walnut Street – Kent stated, a few years ago, EBH gave presentations for water main replacements. There has been an immediate need to take care of one of the projects. Neal stated, we had some taste complaints on water at 16th and Walnut. It is a dead end steel main that has been installed in the 1950’s. We can go across 16th Street, set fire hydrant and continue through park or over to College Street to tie into existing mains for circulation. Kent stated, the Water Department will work with H & H Sprinkler to bore line so no open cuts to expose lines. They will pull lines, chlorinate and hook up services to ensure pass testing. Exciting main is 2” but we will replace with 6” main and allow circulation of water by tying into existing main. The current line will be abandoned. We would like to get started with the first portion of project between 15th and 16th from Cherry to park area. The cost will be about $75,000 to $90,000 by the time we get all the materials and supplies. We have $350,000 in CIRF for water replacement and need to start replacement of lines. We can then continue with the other two blocks. Total estimated project cost is $124,000. Mayor Thompson stated, we have the money and I feel if this is most pressing, we need to move forward. Neal stated, with this main being a dead end, we need to address issue. When Pizza Hut moved we had a problem because water usage decreased in area. We put a flush hydrant in to help cure that issue but it moves on up the block. I feel our staff can handle project. Kent stated, we will have communication with property owners because services will move to new line. Vice-Mayor Howard asked, when will project begin? Neal stated, we will check availability of materials but as soon as we can over winter since boring line.
- City Manager – 1. Manager memo is in the packet. 2. October month end fund balance report is in the packet. 3. Periodically the City solicits proposals for banking services. It has not been done for few years. Our current bank is changing hands January 1st and have had inquiries from other financial institutions in town. This is to offer all local banks an opportunity. 4. Parks Department has completed parking area by tennis court. We have eleven additional parking spots.
- City Commissioners
Vice-Mayor Howard – 1. No Report
Commissioner Showalter – 1. No Report
Commissioner Myers – 1. No Report
Commissioner Redlin – 1. No Report
- Mayor Thompson– 1. My family will be moving to Garden City so the end of this year will be the end of my term as Commissioner. I would like to thank everyone for their support.
- EXECUTIVE SESSION – Under the Authority of KSA 75-4319 (b) (1) for personnel matters of non-elected personnel – Mayor Thompson made a motion at 6:06 p.m. to recess into executive session under authority of K.S.A.75-4319 (b) (1) to discuss personnel matters of non-elected personnel not to exceed ten minutes. I request the City Commission and City Manager be present. Commissioner Redlin seconded the motion. MOTION carried by a VOTE of 5-0. Meeting resumed at 6:16 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT WAS HAD ON A MOTION BY CommissionerRedlin seconded by Commissioner Showalter. Motion carried by unanimous VOTE, meeting adjourned at 6:17 p.m. Next meeting is scheduled for November 18, 2024.
ATTEST: Aaron Thompson, Mayor
Mary P. Volk, City Clerk