Regular Meeting
September 3, 2024 5:00 P.M.
Mayor Aaron Thompson called the meeting to order with Vice-Mayor J. J. Howard, Commissioner Jason Showalter, Commissioner Ann Myers and Commissioner Brook Redlin responding to roll call.
Also present were Chris Douglas –Electric Production Supervisor, Jason Erhart –Chief of Police, Joshua Jordan – IT Director, Kenton Keith – Director of Streets and Facilities, Danny Krayca – Director of Parks, Zach Hildebrand – Code Enforcement/Building Official, Mary Volk – City Clerk and Kent Brown – City Manager.
Mayor Thompson led Pledge of Allegiance
- 2025 Budget to Exceed Revenue Neutral Rate – Mayor Thompson opened the public hearing for the 2025 Budget to Exceed Revenue Neutral Rate at 5:01 p.m. Kent stated, this hearing is required when budget published exceeds revenue neutral rate for property tax. In July the Commission passed a resolution to publish a budget exceeding revenue neutral rate. Mayor Thompson closed the public hearing for 2025 Budget to Exceed Revenue Neutral Rate at 5:02 p.m.
- 2025 Budget Hearing – Mayor Thompson opened the public hearing for the 2025 Budget at 5:03 p.m. Kent stated, this hearing is for the 2025 budget. The Commission, Department Heads and staff have worked hard to get budget to the 50.923 mills. It is a slight increase over last year. Staff worked hard to cut almost $500,000 to reach this budget. The budget has been published in the paper and the resolution on our website. Mayor Thompson closed public hearing for the 2025 Budget Hearing at 5:05 p.m.
- Rachel Redlin, citizen stated, last meeting Commission discussed safety concerns with golf carts on City streets. I believe it will be a benefit to a community our size. They do not go any faster than a bicycle and I feel there is no difference. Anytime someone gets on a bicycle they take the risk of sharing the road with vehicles. I do not feel regulations are necessary for golf carts. It is fun for citizens. The concerns are no greater than bicycles and residents should make their own decision on using golf carts. I do believe there should be a time line for operations from sunrise to sunset. Mayor Thompson stated, item is not on agenda but we will discuss at future meeting.
- Lay Brother Steven Gerard stated, I amvisiting Kansas and taking extra time to visit with cities on the Personhood of City Charters. I am a pro-life speaker where I met previous Kansas Governor Sam Brownback who encouraged me to visit Kansas. I encourage the commission to open meetings with prayer. With legislation in 2022 cities who have a charter or want to establish a charter can include pro-life information in their charter. If you do not have a charter I encourage you to move toward establishing one. I am excited for the direction of cities in Kansas.
- 08/19/24 Commission Meeting Minutes
- Appropriation Ordinances: 2024-17, 2024-17A and 2024-P17
ON A MOTION by Commissioner Showalter to approve Consent Agenda seconded by Commissioner Redlin. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
- Ben Schears, Fort Hays Tech Northwest – Ben stated, I previously updated Commission on 1008 Main property. When our structural engineer evaluated building estimated cost to renovate building was $750,000 because of structural problem with a crack up the side of building. We want to see a historic building renovated to a fab lab, which is an open space our students can do hands on work with community members. We requested congressional spending funds and are in the final list, which is a confirmation between the House and Senate. We hope to hear back by end of year. Mayor Thompson stated, good luck with the last step for funding building. Ben stated, our next project is working with a grant making entity based out of Kansas City area with a grant opportunity. The pool is $3,000,000 for select technical colleges in the State of Kansas. We are one of the entities allowed to apply. Our first revenue stream proposal is working with our construction program to get back constructing a home every year. In discussions with Kent we are looking at land the City currently owns. We can work together to meet SCCD needs for additional housing. We are looking to work with passive homes which address homes in extreme temperature fluctuations. These home are constructed where they do not need heat or air conditioning because of thicker walls and additional insulation. The structure is based on building materials and the way the house faces. With this we are building housing stock in community. In the past we felt the program was asked to build a house too big for our program. These are smaller homes. Want to use grant over three year program where first house is built and sold. Money will roll back into grant program to continue next year. We are looking at lot at 4th and Sherman to focus on developed lots. If we do not get this grant, a second revenue source is the pool of BASE grant funds we have secured through State of Kansas. Vice-Mayor Howard asked, how many are in program this year? Ben stated, around sixteen this year. Vice-Mayor stated, when I went through program we had five students and built a house. Ben stated, education now requires us to take away from the program to also provide general education classes. Vice-Mayor Howard asked, are these pre-constructed zip houses? Ben stated, no because we want to teach students how to complete project. Kent stated, when we discussed this, the college asked for a letter of support for grant funds. We need to discuss with Jake, but I would like Commission to consider proceeding with a memorandum of understanding like we did with Sherman 4C’s. Mayor Thompson stated, I am more than happy to sign a letter of support. Housing is an issue we have been discussing for some time. I feel Commission would be open to what best fits your needs. Ben stated, we will work with Kent to proceed with what will be best fit for community. Ben stated, I am excited to announce our affiliation event with Fort Hays at the college on September 10th on the soccer field. We would like community presence to celebrate the change.
- Ordinance 1781: Updating Parallel Generation Policy – Kent stated, this was discussed last meeting with commission. Changes from current policy regarding renewable energy and how it interacts with our electric grid are outlined in the ordinance. Mayor Thompson stated, my understanding is these updates are from a meeting staff previously attended. Kent stated, yes, mostly due to legislative updates. Mayor Thompson asked, do changes affect current customer billing? Kent stated, a slight change to remove capacity charge. ON A MOTION by Commissioner Redlin to approve Ordinance 1781: Updating Parallel Generation Policy seconded by Commissioner Myers. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
- Resolution 1643: Transfer Title/Ownership of City Fire Vehicles to Sherman County – Kent stated, this is result of joint meeting with county to transfer city fire vehicles to Fire District 1. There are seven vehicles involved. Insurance of vehicles will be county responsibility. Resolution states that monies from the sale of any vehicle will be placed in capital outlay fund for future fire vehicle funds. Sherman County will have to make a resolution if we want any further restrictions. Mayor Thompson asked, why do we have a resolution instead of an amendment to agreement? Everything is running fine and I appreciate the operation, but down the road if the department splits what guarantees does the city have to receive value of equipment back? I understand they want a fire district with a tax but we are not at that point. Kent stated, I did not see any opportunity to provide an amendment to estimate values and how it changes over time. This is working with fire board and the county to get titles changed. Commissioner Showalter stated, I agree transferring all the vehicles but the Seagraves truck. I feel it will end up in the museum and would like to ensure city owns vehicle. Mayor Thompson stated, I prefer to table until we have information from Jake on best way to proceed to receive equal value down the road. ON A MOTION by Vice-Mayor Howard to table Resolution 1643: Transfer Title/Ownership of City Fire Vehicles to Sherman County seconded by Commissioner Redlin. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
- Resolution 1644: Levy a Property Tax Rate Exceeding the Revenue Neutral Rate – Kent stated, as indicated the mill is 50.923 or $2,162,833 in estimated tax dollars. RNR provided to city was 49.374. Total expenditures are $13,532,865. Keep in mind these are estimated numbers as final levies are set in November. Commissioner Showalter stated, thanks to Kent and department heads for time spent to have a good budget for city. ON A MOTION by Mayor Thompson to approve Resolution 1644: Levy a Property Tax Rate Exceeding the Revenue Neutral Rate seconded by Commissioner Redlin. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
- Approve 2025 Budget – Kent stated, commission needs to have a motion to approve budget as presented. ON A MOTION by Commissioner Showalter to approve the 2025 Budget seconded by Vice-Mayor Howard. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
- Renew Goodland Gun Club lease of City property – Kent stated, Goodland Gun Club has a successful program and requested additional property at the range. This lease adds 50’ on north side of property outlined in existing lease to extend lease to 400’ x 500’ piece of land. They are looking at additional skeet ranges and may request additional property in future. This will allow them to host home events for the program. Lease expires this month and proposed lease is five year lease. Commissioner Myers stated, this will be good addition to house local events. Commissioner Redlin stated, I am pleased with success of program and good use of property. ON A MOTION by Commissioner Redlin to approve renewal of Goodland Gun Club lease for City property seconded by Commissioner Showalter. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
- Voltage Regulatory Control SCADA: Electric Department purchase – Kent stated, Dustin presented information because of situation with regulators that recently occurred. This allows City to have more control over system. Chris stated, the new substation was installed around 2014. The issues we have had is with mechanical tap changer adjusting voltage. We set parameters and it monitors band width. We had an outage last Thursday and rebuilt it Friday. It is an older piece of equipment. This system is an upgrade to monitor and control regulators. During summer months our peak is higher so voltage is higher to accommodate load and we have higher need to monitor the regulators. This system provides us ability to control regulators from control room. The mechanical tap changer is the issue but I feel it is working now with what we have done. If we want to replace regulator control switch costs increase $7,300. Cost to add regulators to SCADA system will not decrease in future. Kent stated, this became a large ticket item but Mid-States has worked on this structure. Chris stated, they designed and built system. Current regulators do not have ability to operate with SCADA system. They worked with SEL to replace the controls. Kent stated, these are the regulators that caused the major outage a few weeks ago then we tried to correct regulator which caused the recent outage. Chris stated, I feel outage was because tap changer got stuck and automatic portion of system would not work. Kent stated, the connection to SCADA system is for all three regulators on our 2400. Chris stated, the SCADA system will provide a lot of monitoring. Andrew Brunner, EBH Engineer stated, we have a SCADA system for the water and sewer utilities. Mayor Thompson stated, this was a large increase in cost from first correspondence. Kent stated, that was an estimate, this is a quote in amount not to exceed $42,000 for the SCADA system. Commissioner Redlin asked, if we approve quote and materials come in but work is not complete until 2025 will cost increase? Chris stated, they will order materials now and complete work in 2025. Chris stated, impression I have is they are non-profit so cannot charge additional profit. Kent stated, lead time for materials is six months. We can get additional information on the quote. Mayor Thompson stated, quote states billing is based on time and materials. Commissioner Showalter asked, for clarification this is update to modernize our system and resolve issues for problems we have been experiencing and makes staff job easier. Chris stated, correct. ON A MOTION by Commissioner Showalter to approve the bid from KMEA Mid States to add the regulators to SCADA system in an amount not to exceed $42,000 seconded by Commissioner Redlin. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
- Update on 1526 Caldwell: IFB 2024-0901 to be sent – Zach stated, no progress has been made to improve structure and time allowed property owner has expired. I am requesting permission to proceed with bid process. ON A MOTION by Mayor Thompson to approve the proceeding with bids for demolition of 1526 Caldwell seconded by Commissioner Showalter. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
- Trailer Purchase: Parks – Danny stated, I am requesting the purchase of a trailer from Hitchcock with money in reserve. About 10% of our mowing each week is handled with dumpsters. This will prevent lifting containers that exceed 100 lbs. I have borrowed Kenton’s trailer a few times, but I also have to use his pickup to pull because of trailer size. We can also use for fall cleanup, city wide cleanup or cleanup from wind storms. So there are many uses for trailer. I asked for bids from out of town competitor but they were higher than Hitchcock. I am looking for a trailer topper to keep debris from blowing out. ON A MOTION by Commissioner Showalter to approve trailer purchase from Hitchcock in the amount of $9,250 seconded by Commissioner Redlin. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
- Pay Estimate #2: Goodland Industrial Park Improvements – Kent stated, work continues at Industrial Park. This is second pay estimate in amount of $215,697.82. ON A MOTION by Mayor Thompson to approve Goodland Industrial Park Improvement Pay Estimate #2 to Miller Construction in the amount of $215,697.82 seconded by Commissioner Redlin. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
- Pay Estimate #1: Airport Seal & Paint Project – Kent stated, they have been working at airport about four weeks and completed a lot of sealing. They were able to complete 30,000 additional lineal feet with grant because of bid price. There was more that needed to be done. Grant pays 90% of costs. Andrew stated, they finished crack sealing last week then will close runway end of this week to paint strips. ON A MOTION by Commissioner Showalter to approve Pay Estimate #1: American Pavement Solutions for the Airport Seal & Paint project in the amount of $252,341.09 seconded by Vice-Mayor Howard. MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
- Building Official Report: 1523 Walnut Avenue Unfit Structure – Zach stated, I was called to this property August 26th. Upon inspection, property is unsafe for living. The owner and granddaughter were residing in property. Daughter is cleaning property up. They received a 45 day notice, which will be October 11th to have property cleaned up. They are not allowed to live in property until we inspect property again. Sounds like they will end up selling property. Mayor Thompson asked, where are they staying? Zach stated, they have other housing arrangements while working on house. Structure is solid so I do not feel we should demolish property. Mayor Thompson asked, what is going on with 1319 Cherry, which was previously presented to Commission? Zach stated, owner is still in hospital but will be addressed next.
- 8th Street Project preliminary plans – Andrew stated, it is difficult to depict width differences on street. Best thing to do is look at 17th Street and streets putting in the Industrial Park which are 36’ streets. I do not feel you should change entrance from Highway 27, but at County Shop can decrease width to 36’ then widen again at Casey’s to match existing street at Cherry Street. Overall difference is 14’ and center line will determine how much adjust each side of street. Commissioner Myers asked, is this to put sidewalks on both sides of street? Andrew stated, if commission determines to have on both sides. We continue to look at additional ideas to make entrance more appealing as commission requested. Mayor Thompson stated, I was talking to individual who referenced a Garden City project where sidewalk winds with additional landscaping to make it appealing for people walking down street. I thought about different ideas and felt this might be easier and look appealing. Andrew stated, decorative lighting has also been discussed but that comes with a higher price tag. Andrew showed examples of lighting from projects EBH did for other communities. Commissioner Showalter stated, when spend this amount of money we need to do something to beautify the entrance. We need to put effort into ensuring we are proud of entrance for the community. Mayor Thompson stated, my preference is wider street with driving lanes smaller and utilize extra space with landscaping. Andrew stated, we will continue to look at costs for different options. Vice-Mayor Howard stated, I like decorative light poles but concerned if a vehicle is parked on one side whether a truck and vehicle can pass through without one stopping to prevent damage. I would like wider street with light poles and sidewalk on one side of street. Andrew stated, we can look at options and see what cost is for decorative lights to go a little wider with street. Vice-Mayor Howard stated, at one point the walking trail was to come through town and go out on 8th Street so this will help to match up to that project.
- Low Income rates for utilities – Kent stated, the commission want to review low income limit rate in code. Current limit for annual income is $18,000. Rate was last changed in 2015. Low income water utility has same limit but 15% reduced rate. Staff recommendation at this time is to set rate at $20,440, which is federal low income level for two person household. It is easier to administer when not tied to household size. We would have to create ordinance to make code change, but this is starting point for discussion. There would be no penalty for a one person household. Mayor Thompson stated, I like having household size as a criteria as a family differs from a single parent with children. I prefer rate based on household size. Commissioner Redlin asked, how can you regulate household size? Who is going to identify this? I understand what you are saying but do not understand how you can execute code. Mayor Thompson stated, there has to be some faith built into application. Can you use previous year federal income tax? Unsure that will be exact method. We need to set rate best way we can to help people. Commissioner Redlin stated, I do not want to put another task on staff. Vice-Mayor Howard stated, they can bring in tax forms for us to see number in household and income. Mary stated, what about those who file separately, or claim college students on return that do not live with them. These customers also get assistance from State and other programs. Mayor Thompson stated, we do not have many use program so if we have three that are not honest, we are not out a lot of money. Mary stated, but that is not fair to staff that later has to enforce policy and tell customers no when they find application not true. Commissioner Showalter stated, I want to see it fluctuate annually so amount changes with federal level. I am unsure we need staff going into household to verify size of household. I would like to see ordinance based on staff recommendation. Commissioner Redlin stated, the tax return is a good idea, not sure what we need to get information. Mayor Thompson asked, do we want to limit them if they receive assistance from other programs? Mary stated, not necessarily because those are good programs for lower income individuals and assistance is not considered income for them. Kent stated, staff can put together ordinance showing how information would be in code. Mayor Thompson asked, do we want water a reduced rate or leave as a percent of rate?
- Utility Incentives for new businesses – Kent stated, staff provided list of incentives used in past and some discourage using in future, along with recommendations. There many different types of businesses that it is hard to tie down incentives, plus there is push back from existing businesses. We appreciate that our current businesses continue to operate. This is not an easy discussion. Commissioner Myers stated, are we discussing a new business putting up a building and not one putting in new business on Main Street? Kent state, not particularly because that is rare. The new business on Main will likely be different than previous business in existing building. Commissioner Showalter stated, I feel this is a good conversation for us to have as the businesses continue to drive economic growth in community. I am open to discussion but feel should be about number of people employ in the community. Mayor Thompson stated, I feel we should have a general policy then if there is a larger business, we may have a specific incentive like customer pay for materials or a reduced utility rate for six months. Commissioner Redlin asked, if general idea is what business brings, can we have a tiered system? Mayor Thompson stated, a larger business will be a bigger conversation. I do not like a tier system for large businesses because it becomes complicated. Commissioner Showalter stated, it is difficult to write a policy for this because there are so many factors to address like how many employees does business bring to community or is it in direct competition with existing business? I feel should be case by case. Mayor Thompson stated, small and large businesses are important for community. Vice-Mayor Howard stated, I feel a big business should have a business plan that is not based on an incentive figured into their plan. Mayor Thompson stated, we do not have to do any plan. Consensus of Commission is to think about list and bring back for discussion.
- City Manager – 1. Manager memo is in the packet. 2. Staff has used two Chevrolet Impala’s for travel, but when send multiple individuals they are not comfortable. We would like approval from the Commission to trade the two vehicles in to get one for same purpose. We have additional money in MERF to assist with purchase of a vehicle more feasible for travel by employees. 3. NCPRC has housing improvements initiative program that has filled up. They also have a demolition pilot program open. The City can be a co-applicant for demolition and we may be able to address additional properties this year. We have interest from two individuals and they allow $5,000 per property. If commission approves, we will proceed with applications. Consensus of Commission is this will help the community. 4. Zach stated, the fire department is using the 1997 fire codes. We are going to work with Fire Chief James to update to the 2018 International Fire Code. 5. Contractor has finished around corner on Industrial Park Project and poured curb 500’ west. They are getting base ready to pour street next week. Drainage pond is finished and project is taking shape. 6. Caldwell Cost Share project most likely scheduled to begin week of 16th. This is mill and overlay driving lanes from 10th to 17th Street on Caldwell and intersections.
- City Commissioners
Vice-Mayor Howard – 1. No Report
Commissioner Showalter – 1. No Report
Commissioner Myers – 1. No Report
Commissioner Redlin – 1. Thank staff for hard work on budget and additional items needed. We value your opinions.
- Mayor Thompson– 1. No Report
ADJOURNMENT WAS HAD ON A MOTION BY Vice-Mayor Showalter seconded by Commissioner Redlin. Motion carried by unanimous VOTE, meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Next meeting is scheduled for September 16, 2024.
ATTEST: Aaron Thompson, Mayor
Mary P. Volk, City Clerk