CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call B. Pledge of Allegiance
PUBLIC COMMENT (Members of the audience will have five minutes to present any matter of concern to the Commission. No official action may be taken at this time.)
PRESENTATIONS None this meeting.
CONSENT AGENDA A. 1/21/2025 Commission Meeting Minutes B. Appropriation Ordinances 2025-03; 2025-03A; 2025-P03
ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS A. Ordinance 1792 – Creating Land Bank, Board of Trustees, etc. B. Resolution 2025-02 – Set public hearing for 302 W. 15th St. – unfit structure. C. Resolution 2025-03 – Set public hearing for 1004 Kansas Av. – unfit structure. D. Resolution 2025–04 – Set public hearing for 1615 Center Av. – unfit structure.
FORMAL ACTIONS A. Appoint Trustees to the Goodland Land Bank
DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Request to submit grant application to SCCF for resurfacing pickleball courts. B. Unfit structures – Commercial Properties C. 12th St./Main St. – stoplight maintenance
REPORTS A. City Manager (1) Manager Memo (2) Water main project update (3) Topside Trail lighting project update (4) Lt Gov letter on RHID approval (5) Banner at future building for child care coalition (6) Upcoming agenda items – power contract proposal and utility rates review B. City Commissioners C. Mayor (1) Appointment to Commission process
ADJOURNMENT A. Next Regular Meeting is Tuesday February 18, 2025.