Scheduled Power Outage – Rosewood Addition- Feb 23, 2024
The City of Goodland Lineman crew will be repairing a cross-arm on a power pole that requires the power to be cut to a section

Update: Phone & Internet Status (Feb 21, 2024)
All internet, web, and phone services have been restored. Thank you for bearing with us while we performed the maintenance. Please contact the IT Department

Planned Maintenance of City Networks and Internet Service
The City of Goodland will be offline and without phone service for part of the day on February 21 beginning at 8:45am for some internet

Snow Route Reminder 01-2024
As a reminder, during blizzard conditions and chances for heavy snow, please avoid parking on primary and secondary emergency routes so that our Street department

High Plains Museum Closed – January 8, 2024
The High Plains Museum will be closed today due to the weather conditions. We will re-open Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at the regular time.

2023 Water Scavenger Hunt
WATER CONSERVATION has become a hot topic in America. The City of Goodland would like to help educate and have some fun at the same