City of Goodland Planning Commission Minutes
The May 9, 2023 meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 6:02 p.m. Planning commissioners in attendance: Grady Bonsall, Wallace Hansen and Matt McKenzie. Dennis Snethen was absent. Staff in attendance: Kent Brown, City Manager and Zach Hildebrand, Building Official.
2. Public Comment
There was no public comment
- Review Current Comprehensive Plan Update October 2000 for the City of Goodland – Chapter 5 – Future Land Use. Also review Articles 5 – Code of Conduct and Article 6 – Ethical Principles, Planning Commission and Staff from the Procedures Manual for the Zoning Regulations.Discussion on Site Plans.
The Commission reviewed the Future Land Use – Chapter 5 of the Comprehensive Plan Update from October 2000. As part of that discussion, Cattletrail south of 17th was seen as an important transportation corridor to get across the railroad. In addition, the three exits from K-27 at 8th, 12th and 16th Streets were seen as critical. City Manager Brown then asked about other connections to K-27 including 2nd or 1st Street. Commissioner McKenzie stated that there used to be a dirt trail across that area that was used at times. Also, emergency access to the hospital would be important with that access.
Commissioners McKenzie and Bonsall both made comments regarding the lack of a sidewalk plan and all the dead ends of different sidewalk sections. Bringing new families to town as a result of Goodland Tech and Scoular, there is an expectation of trail or sidewalk connections. Further conversation reflected how to connect larger sections of sidewalks and especially different schools.
The Commission then reviewed the park and recreation section of Chapter 5 including categories of parks and the amenities within the parks.
The next section on the utilities was discussed. City Manager Brown mentioned the project to replace and upgrade the power lines along the south loop that provides the services to the commercial corridor on K-27 and I-70.
City Manager Brown then reviewed the section on residential patterns and then finally the Future Land Use Plan Map. Commissioner Bonsall asked if there would be housing built along a new road if it was built to connect 2nd Street to K-27. City Manager Brown stated that would be part of the questions that would need to be answered if a project like that was considered.
Staff then reviewed the sections on Extraterritorial Building Regulation and Annexation Issues in the Comprehensive Plan Update. Finally, staff reviewed the alternative housing strategies as listed in the Update from October 2000.
Commissioner Hensen mentioned the building for Zac Lohr that was just built on 19th St. Hensen stated that Zac had asked if there were any plans to pave 19th St. Commissioner McKenzie stated 19th St. is used quite a bit because there are a number of Wal Mart shopping carts along 19th St. to the mobile home parks further east on 19th St. Discussion ensued on pedestrians from the mobile home parks, students that travel from the college to Wal Mart and other business and other persons using the same area to get there.
Also review Articles 5 – Code of Conduct and Article 6 – Ethical Principles, Planning Commission and Staff from the Procedures Manual for the Zoning Regulations.
City Manager Brown emphasized the Conflicts of Interest section. Brown reviewed the exact wording as follows:
In making zoning decisions, members of the Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, and the Governing Body should be acting in the best interest of the entire community.
Whenever a member of any of these bodies is acting on an issue in which he or she also has a personal interest, an important element of fairness is lost. In general, a conflict of interest is any situation in which a member is in a position to act upon or influence a development request, which includes the potential for direct or indirect gain, financial or otherwise. In order to clarify this general rule, the following guidelines are recommended.
No member shall act on or influence any development request when:
1. The member has a potential for direct or indirect profit or financial gain from the
2. The member owns or is employed by any company which is an applicant, subdivider,
developer or option holder;
3. The applicant, subdivider, developer or option holder is an established and regular client
of the member or the member’s place of employment;
4. One or more of a member’s immediate family (parent, sibling, spouse or child) has a
direct financial interest in the development or is an owner or officer of any company
which is an applicant, subdivider, developer or option holder; or
5.The member has a potential for indirect financial gain or loss because of related property or business holdings.
City Manager Brown requested that if any member of the Planning Commission has a question on a conflict of interest, they are allowed to contact the City Attorney to discuss whether it is a conflict of interest or not.
City Manager Brown then reviewed ARTICLE 6 – ETHICAL PRINCIPLES, PLANNING COMMISSION AND STAFF with the Planning Commission.
- Request for Comprehensive Plan Update
City Manager Brown requested that the Planning Commission make known their request to update the Comprehensive Plan to the City Commission.
- Reports
- Planning Commissioners
Chairman McKenzie asked if Commissioners Bonsall and Hansen had anything to report. Commissioner Bonsall had nothing to report. Commissioner Hansen had nothing to report. Chairman McKenzie stated he had nothing to report.
- Staff
Building Official Zach Hildebrand had nothing to report.
- Minutes
- April 11, 2023 Minutes
Commissioner Hansen moved, seconded by Commission Bonsall, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
- Adjournment
Chairman McKenzie motioned to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Bonsall. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:04 p.m.