Daily Archives: September 19, 2016

Temporary City Phone Numbers

website_admin Past Notices

The City Office does have some phones working today.  We will be using temporary numbers until the full phone system switch that is slated for September 29th.   Utility Desk - 785-301-2141City Clerk - 785-301-2142Public Transportation/City Information - 785-301-2143 or 785-899-5082Police Dept. Non

September 19, 2016 Commission Agenda

website_admin Agendas

CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance   PUBLIC HEARING None   PUBLIC COMMENT   PRESENTATION None   CONSENT AGENDA 9/6/16 Commission Meeting Minutes Appropriation Ordinances, 2016-18; 2016-18A; 2016-P18   ORDINANCES   RESOLUTIONS   FORMAL ACTIONS Unfit Struct