Daily Archives: July 2, 2012

Goodland: The Developing Art Hub

Sami Windle Around Goodland

Beyond existing as an agricultural hub for three states, Goodland has a variety of interesting offerings. Art naturally springs to mind due to the Big Easel; the Big Easel is a giant reproduction of Van Gogh’s Three Sunflowers in a Vase painting.  The painting was painted by Canadian artist C

Get Your Draw On!

Sami Windle Around Goodland, Events

The celebrate the Big Easel, come by the High Plains Museum Saturday, July 7th, from 1 to 5pm to design your own Big Easel t-shirt!  We're celbrating the Big Easel as the artist of the Big Easel, Cameron Cross, is back in Goodland to touch up the painting.   Drop by the museum this Saturday