May 6, 2024 Commission Minutes

May 6, 2024 Commission Minutes

May 6, 2024 Commission Minutes

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Regular Meeting

May 6, 2024                                                                                                                          5:00 P.M.

Mayor Aaron Thompson called the meeting to order with Vice-Mayor J. J. Howard, Commissioner Jason Showalter, Commissioner Ann Myers and Commissioner Brook Redlin responding to roll call. 

Also present were Dustin Bedore – Director of Electric Utilities, Jason Erhart –Chief of Police, Joshua Jordan – IT Director, Kenton Keith – Director of Streets and Facilities, Neal Thornburg – Director of Water and Wastewater, Danny Krayca – Director of Parks, Zach Hildebrand – Code Enforcement/Building Official, Jake Kling – City Attorney, Mary Volk – City Clerk and Kent Brown – City Manager.

Mayor Thompson led Pledge of Allegiance



  1. 04/15/24 Commission Meeting Minutes
  2. Appropriation Ordinances: 2023-09, 2023-09A and 2023-P09

ON A MOTION by Commissioner Showalter to approve Consent Agenda seconded by Commissioner Redlin.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.


  1. National Police Week Proclamation – Mayor Thompson proclaimed May 12th through 18th as National Police Week in the City of Goodland and encourage citizens to publicly salute the service of law enforcement officers in our community and communities across the nation.


  1. Resolution 1631: Abate Nuisance property at 1526 Caldwell Ave. – Zach stated, on April 3rd I sent a letter to homeowner, who is deceased, so have to go the route of an affidavit to clean up and demolish property.  The resolution provides ability to put property out for bid.  Mayor Thompson asked, currently there is no legal owner since owner passed on?  Zach stated, there was someone residing at property but no longer.  Mayor Thompson stated, the property is overdue and needs cleaned up.  ON A MOTION by Mayor Thompson to approve Resolution 1631: Abate Nuisance property at 1526 Caldwell Ave seconded by Commissioner Showalter.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
  2. Ordinance 1772: Adopt the International Fuel and Gas Code (IFGC) – Zach stated, the Construction Board has reviewed this code several times.  This ordinance adds our name and fees to the rest of the code which is adopted by reference.  There is a typo in copy sent in packet, should refer to Chapter 4 Article XIII not VIII.  ON A MOTION by Commissioner Showalter to approve Ordinance 1772: Adopt the International Fuel and Gas Code seconded by Commissioner Howard.  Mayor Thompson stated, I would like a copy of corrected ordinance.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
  3. Ordinance 1773: Adopt the International Residential Code (IRC) – Zach stated, this is for residential code that differentiates from IBC we already adopted.  Here are less restrictions for residential building.  Some of the amendments made to code are Section R-313 from residential codes requiring fire sprinklers in all dwelling units.  The Board did not feel this was necessary because of increased costs.  Kent stated, most jurisdictions omit that section from their code unless they are in certain very large cities.  Mayor Thompson stated, it omits a number of other items from residential code also.  Zach stated, that is correct, we do not want to create unnecessary steps if it is not absolutely required.  Mayor Thompson stated, this code is strictly on the structure.  Zach stated it covers single family, duplexes and townhomes.  This code relates to changes in the R1 and R2 codes so they match up.  ON A MOTION by Commissioner Redlin to approve Ordinance 1773: Adopt the International Residential Code seconded by Commissioner Myers.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.


  1. Industrial Park Lot Three (3) in Block Four (4) Sales Agreement – Kent stated, the agreement is for the sale of one lot in Industrial Park that the Commission has been discussing.  We can contact Title Company for closing if Commission approves.  Commissioner Showalter stated, I am excited to see activity in the park.  Hopefully more to come with improvements.  ON A MOTION by Commissioner Showalter to approve the Sales Agreement with Lisa and Raul Rodriguez for Lot Three (3), Block Four (4)in theIndustrial Park for $30,000 and direct staff to setup closing on property seconded by Commissioner Redlin.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0. 
  2. Water Tower Maintenance Contract: Power Plant Tower – Kent stated, the Commission had a presentation last fall for the main items and upgrades with water tanks in town.  Staff identified the power plant tower as the most immediate concern.  We were not awarded the grant State of Kanas grant, most awards were to smaller communities.  Neal and I met with Rick Penner from Viking to come up with immediate needs.  Neal stated, this proposal is to remove spider rods to drop roof, repair bases, move entrance and ladder for inspection and install mid-rail for safety.  Mayor Thompson stated, this is everything we discussed but painting.  Neal stated, yes; when they paint they will have to sand blast and contain lead base paint on exterior of tank.  It will be a very expensive process.  Kent stated, the tank has been in operation since 1939 and Viking’s proposal for these items total $69,100.  Commissioner Redlin asked, how will this affect citizens?  Neal stated, it will not affect them at all as long as the tank is not drained in middle of summer.  Commissioner Redlin asked, do you have estimated timeframe?  Neal stated, they wanted proposal approved before schedule a time.  Kent stated, items concerning tank will result in draining tank so fall time frame will work.  Commissioner Showalter stated, after the presentation I am glad to see we are getting started with upgrades and repairs.  Kent stated, it might seem like a lot of money but it is cheaper than a new tank when the tank still operates well.  ON A MOTION by Commissioner Showalter to approve the water tower maintenance proposal as presented by Viking Industrial Painting for OSHA/KDHE upgrades and repairs on the power plant tower for $69,100 seconded by Commissioner Redlin.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0.
  3. Utility Easement Agreement: Lots 12-17, Block 2, Sunset Addition – Dustin stated, this request extends 25’ easement from the duplex’s to the new housing by Golden Sunset Addition, LLC on Cattletrail.  ON A MOTION by Commissioner Showalter to approve the Utility Easement Agreement with Golden Sunset Addition, LLC for a permanent easement over, under and through described real property for the construction and maintenance of utilities on, above or under a tract of land in Sunset Addition of the City of Goodlandseconded by Vice-Mayor Howard.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0. 
  4. Award Bid for Contract Mowing – Zach stated,we advertised for contract mowing bids in February newsletter hoping to get more bids.  The City received one bid for grass and weed violations from Damon Rickard in the amount of $44 per hour.  This is quite a bit higher than last year.  Kent stated, we discussed having staff provide mowing but our equipment is not made for mowing these properties.  Kent stated that the Mayor had asked for information from last year.  We mowed 79 properties and 16 paid.  If they do not pay the amount, it is assessed to property taxes.  Average costs last year to property owners was about $100 per property.  Zach stated, last year we did not get bid awarded very early.  Mayor Thompson stated, the bid last year was $32 and year before $28.  It keeps increasing.  If cost continues to go up I feel we need to look at options to mow properties if we do not get additional bidders.  Bid is still reasonable enough because it is hard on equipment.  If increases again next year, I will push to look at other options.  Kent stated, it depends on yard and stuff in yard that damages equipment.  Commissioner Redlin stated, I agree with Mayor if cost continues to increase.  Commissioner Showalter stated, when it is closer to bid time next year we need to estimate cost for equipment needed to mow and hiring an employee to compare costs.  ON A MOTION by Mayor Thompson to approve the bid for mowing grass and weed violations from Damon Rickard in the amount of $44 per hour seconded by Commissioner Redlin.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 4-1, with Commissioner Showalter casting the dissenting vote.
  5. Power Plant Equipment for Engine 8 – Dustin stated, Unit 8 is our largest engine and we are having issues with circulator pump.  It is the original pump and motor dating back to 1972.  We did locate some parts for $12,000 but concerned if the parts alone does not resolve the issue.  We got two bids to replace pump and motor.  Coming into summer and if we have to generate for city we will not be able to hold load.  It frightens me if we have an outage and we have to pick and choose who to leave off.  We also have capacity testing coming up and will have to hold load.  We can test through September, so we can deal with six to nine week delivery.  We will install in house.  Kent stated, our main concern if we to replace parts, we may still have an issue.  These are original parts and would recommend replacing motor and pump to save time with additional parts.  Vice-Mayor Howard asked, how much time you estimate for installation?  Dustin stated, we did not quote installation.  Chris the power plant foreman estimates a week for installation using two to three employees.  We may have to build some shims if it sits too low.   Mayor Thompson asked, would it take more hours to disassemble and rebuild then replace?  Dustin stated, yes it is in pieces right now.    The motor has maintained well.  I recommend the bid from JCI Industries for a complete unit with base and motor for $22,993 so we do not run into other problems.  The bid from Fairbanks is $36,232.  Commissioner Showalter asked, all motors in the plant are Fairbanks, right?  Is there benefit to keep same brand?  Dustin stated, some could argue that but I look at cost difference and feel comfortable with JCI and City has used some items from JCI previously.  Fairbanks products are top notch and are high dollar.  ON A MOTION by Commissioner Showalter to approve the bid JCI Industries for the complete unit with base and motor in the amount of $22,993 seconded by Commissioner Myers.  MOTION carried on a VOTE of 5-0. 


  1. Sherman 4C’s: Child Care Project presentation and discussion – Kent stated, David Blochlinger, Vice President and Dallas Berndt, Board Member of Sherman County Child Care Coalition represent Sherman 4C’s.  David stated, the child care coalition incorporated as Sherman 4C INC.  Board members are Dallas, Jessica Kannady, Janice Shaner, Tina Wolack and myself.  Dana Stanton is employed by NWKS Innovation Center and works with communities to improve child care by helping writing grants.  She assisted processing a grant for us through Childcare Aware of Kansas and Patterson Foundation.  We received $85,000 from the grant which cannot be used for construction costs.  However, for a Hansen Foundation grant we have to have 25% funding match available.  Jamison Brothers LLC is a construction firm in Quinter that replicates McDonald houses the Hansen Foundation piloted in multiple other communities.  They have given us a ballpark bid for a three bedroom home at $230,000.  Everyone is aware we need day care in the community.  If it was profitable it would go in everywhere. We are going to give it a good try.  Five years from now if we see the operation is not working, we have a home we can sell to someone in community and donate money to another non-profit in the community.  We are looking for a lot to build home.  Our goal is to build more than one, but we need to start with one.  I met with Kent about lots the City owns.  There is one north of Topside Manor, then one at 326 Sherman.  Our idea is to build in a place we can build two together to share playground and food services.  Can we work with Kent to get an agreement for lots so if we are approved for a grant from the Hansen Foundation we can proceed to build the house in community?  Dana stated, I work with communities to address child care services and providers.  This process has been replicated in other communities.  A child care center defined by KDHE means over 13 children and requires more regulation and staff needs,  which is difficult to staff.  This group is looking at a child care group daycare.  Building on what has been done for generations with a single family home for 12 children and use grant funds to operate.  We have had communities where the City or School District donated land.  There are multiple grants we can apply for the project, but you do not move forward until have the grant funding.  It is my job to assist communities to find the resources and offer grant writing services.   Jamison Brothers are building homes, but if you have a local contractor build more efficiently we will share blue prints.  Mayor Thompson asked, your slides stated the utilities are an issue?  David stated, the lots by Topside Manor would be expensive to get utilities to the home.  Dana stated, the hookups are usually an issue no matter how they are paid.  I have heard many are getting out of daycare services whether it be for regulations, it is not paying well or retiring.  Mayor Thompson stated, daycare is an issue in community.  How is this coalition going to be separate from these individuals as far as being able to afford to operate?  Dana stated, the best thing this coalition has done is form own non-profit corporation for child care to have the ability to apply for many grants.  You have to start business and show plan to sustain operation.  We provide service for assistance to show how to maintain operation.  The coalition’s priority is to address child care needs.  Working backwards we look at ways to help for profit providers stay in business.  The current providers and child care group have to work together.  David stated, if city or school donates lots, we have options to move your employees to top of list to fill spots for child care.   Mayor Thompson stated, I assume you are looking for property to build on outright.  After a number of years if it does not work and you sell the property, what will happen to profits from sale?  David stated, as a non-profit, we would have to give money to another non-profit.  Dana stated, you may be able to outline in document if property is no longer used for child care, what can be done with profits.  Small models have been successful so far.  Mayor Thompson asked, you mention this model is good for everyone, but you are funding with grants and donations.  Will this competition take away and make it hard for providers operating for profit and trying to make it work?  Dana stated, data for your community shows there is a need for the services.  I would talk to current providers to see what their wait list is.  If they have a list you are not taking money from the for profit providers.  Infant slots are hard to fill.  David stated, other board members have talked to other providers and they have a wait list.  Dallas stated, data shows you have a need.  Jake stated, I guarantee building one house will not make a dent in the need for child care in community.  Goodland is losing two providers this year.  Dana stated, current providers may not want to continue running out of their home and may be willing to help with expansion.  Commissioner Showalter stated, at my work place we have had to make accommodations for employees with day care issues.  It is a problem in our community and I cannot think of a better use for property we can donate.  It has been addressed in the strategic doing meetings and I feel if we do not get on board we are not doing our job.  Dana stated, the strategic doing meetings have presented this as one of the top three issues in many communities.  That is why I am here to help the coalition.  Commissioner Showalter stated, I appreciate how this developed from those meetings.  Thank you for doing what you are doing to shoulder this problem.  Janice stated, I received an elementary education degree in 1979 and very motivated to see this project moving forward to have a quality facility that provides education for children.  I am willing to help find staff and make this work.  I am working to get my child development certification to work in facility.  Commissioner Showalter stated, I am excited to have the ability of two slots for our employees.  Commissioner Redlin stated, I like the idea that if this does not work, we still have a house in community.  Vice-Mayor Howard stated I would like to start with property on Sherman Ave.  David stated, we talked to Kent and he indicated there would be a few properties with options.  If you have two lots, you can keep one and let us build on one to see how it works.  Then we could have other open lot open if we see opportunity down the road.  We would like to have a space with two lots.  Mayor Thompson stated, I am in favor of donating lots and believe the lots on 10th Street would be good.  If City donates land, I feel in best interest of city that something should come back to City if does not work within five years.  You have spent a lot of time and work to get to this spot.  Vice-Mayor Howard asked, will the house have a basement?  Dana stated, not all use a basement but some have a garage for a safe room.  The basement is more expensive and hard to license houses with basements because of stairs.  KDHE does not require child care facilities to have a shelter but it is nice to have a safe room.  Consensus of Commission is for coalition to continue conversations with Kent for available properties. 
  2. Bryce and Jessica Cole: 621 Eustis Ave. Utility Extension Request – Bryce stated, I am here to discuss a water tap for our house we are building at 621 Eustis Avenue outside city limits. Kent stated, the property is within the city’s electric service territory so the City is providing electric services.  The house is nearing completion and they are requesting connection to city water but do not want to annex property at this time. There is process outlined in city code if Commission deems feasible we can provide access.  The situation gets difficult if the property is annexed because code requires property to connect to city sewer, which would be very costly at this location.  It would come from alley on other side of Eustis to behind his property.  Water service is located on west side of Eustis so will require a tap and boring under road and easy to complete.  City has a few properties we provide water outside the city.  We have discussed property to north of this site if it is developed.  Bryce stated, in the past I have annexed five different properties into the city.  When the cul-de-sac north on Eustis was developed, we set utilities up to extend south.  I am not afraid to annex into the city if development continues to the north of our property; however, to get sewer to the house I am building now is approximately $100,000.   The infrastructure needs to come from the north.  I have water 50 feet from my house.  Mayor Thompson asked, why are you against annexing this property?  Bryce stated, it is not feasible to install sewer to the house.   Mayor Thompson stated, being in city you receive services provided by city.  Where you are building your house, you have all the services but do not want to be inside the city.  Bryce stated, I am saying at the current time it is not feasible to be inside city.  Mayor Thompson asked, if we allow this what is the benefit to the city?  You have all the services but do not pay city taxes.  Bryce stated, I agree with you but with the sewer, it is not feasible now.  If sewer comes closer to my house I will be annexing but not feasible at the current time.  Mayor Thompson asked, why was this issue not discussed prior to building?  Bryce stated, I have developed before so I know the price for sewer.  Vice-Mayor Howard stated, I have no problem allowing them water service, if we put a meter in it is money for the city.  I know if the sewer gets closer to his property, he will annex.  Commissioner Showalter asked, if you were in my chair, tell me why you would approve this?  Bryce stated, I have worked with the City on many projects in the past for the airport and housing.  Also for future development of city, if you are not allowed to connect to utilities without annexation, you will have satellites and not get money from any of them.  We have worked with city for years and I own the lot of land in the area for development.  The commission has provided water outside city limits previously.  Mayor Thompson stated, that was before this commission so we cannot use that as an argument.  Kent stated, code says if Commission deems it in city’s best interest.  Bryce and I talked about development of property to the north but it is tied up with college for at least two years.  When services are available he is willing to annex into city.  We talked about a deferred annexation agreement as an option which has not occurred in this community.  Bryce stated, I am just not willing to annex right now with the cost for sewer.  My track record shows I am willing to annex when time is right and cost of sewer is feasible.  Mayor Thompson stated, that cost will fall on anyone that is developing lots inside city.  Bryce stated, yes but undeveloped lots in the city usually has sewer available, it is not for this property at this time.  Kent stated, Bryce needs an answer fairly soon to pursue avenues.  Bryce stated, I am about a month away from needing water.  Kent stated, this is a discussion item for the commission.  Mayor Thompson stated, the commission needs to think about issue and next meeting we can vote how to proceed.    
  3. 24/7 Travel Store: Alternative Sold Wasted Removal Method Request – Kent stated, Mark Augustine owner of 24/7 is looking for an alternate method to remove trash because of cost and mess being left with current services.  He has six dumpsters picked up three times a week.  At other locations he has a trash compactor to keep trash picked up and costs down.  He indicated his costs in Goodland are high compared to other locations.  In current contract with In the Can, we have a distinction for Walmart to use alternate services which have worked.  I spoke with Jake about allowing exceptions to the contract.  Mark only wants an alternate method that is not available by In the Can. 

Commissioner Redlin recused himself from the discussion due to a possible conflict of interest. 

Mayor Thompson stated, our contract is for one container one pickup.  Additional containers and pickups are negotiated and provided by trash contractor.  I do not know cost for additional containers and pickups.  Kent stated, correct, we have other businesses that have more than one container or pickup negotiated directly with our contractor.  Mayor Thompson stated, I feel this is a complicated request.  It is important to allow our contractor for trash pickup per contract.  However, if they are negotiating with businesses for additional containers or pickups is it fair for these businesses that In the Can is the only provider for any other services?  Our ordinance states we do not allow anyone else to contract for trash pickup.  When a business is large enough, produces enough trash and feel it is important to have own compactor, the issue is In the Can cannot provide service for any business using a rollout or compactor.  I feel we should allow them the opportunity because it is beyond services of city contract.  If we move forward we will have to amend both city code and the contract.  Have we discussed this with In the Can to see if they want to provide the service?  Kent stated, I have not been able to due to the timing of request.  We do need to get feedback from In the Can.  Mark indicated other communities had same situation but with compactor it changed how they proceeded with trash pickup.  It is a different level of service and with the cost of a compactor, it is only be feasible for very few customers so it will not be copied by other businesses.  Commissioner Myers asked, what are the options?  Mayor Thompson stated, right now we have to continue services outlined in code and contractor negotiates other services.  I am unaware what negotiated costs are.  I feel if they are charging higher prices for negotiated services it is unfair advantage to limit trash service to one contractor.  Kent stated, other options are an amendment to the agreement and code.  Mayor Thompson stated, I feel roll off services are used often enough that businesses should be allowed to utilize those services.  Easiest way may be to find a way to amend code to allow for these services.  Jake stated, no matter how you do it, the process will be complicated. Mayor Thompson stated, I feel we need to have conversation with contract provider to see if they can offer services.  Commissioner Showalter stated, if they are unable to provide, I feel we need to allow this type of service to businesses like this.  Vice-Mayor Howard stated, on days like today dumping trash will be all over.  Mayor Thompson stated, breaking down the trash will be better operation.  I do not see an issue with the trash being blown around town.  Commissioner Showalter asked, have they worked with the provider for options?  When we need additional containers at the college they work with us and provide them.  Jake stated, you have to be careful not to get into the issue of negotiating for individual businesses.  That is between the provider and owner.  City priority is to provide an avenue for fair and reasonable services.  Kent stated, I will talk to provider to get additional information. 

Commissioner Redlin returned and joined the meeting. 

  • Section 19-502 Use Standards and 19-503 Use Table Text Amendment Ordinance to Planning Commission – Kent stated, this is preliminary information on use standards and tables that will be looked at by Planning Commission next week.  It will come back to commission for review.  We have color coded document for ease in review.  Does Commission have any initial thoughts on information?  Mayor Thompson asked, are there any changes you want us to address.  Zach stated, Item D: Bed and Breakfast and Parking, they really are not many anymore.  Many use Airbnb’s so does City want to change wording to address them and parking standards?  Mayor Thompson stated, should they pay a bed tax.  Some communities have Bed and Breakfast facilities.  Jake stated, I understand what you are saying, may just need to change the wording.  If you allow ADU’s, you will find more and more people wanting them.  Kent stated, Item H: Convalescent Care requiring 70 square feet is interesting.  Mayor Thompson stated, I would assume there are State standards so do we even need to address in the code?  Kent stated, Item L: Home Occupations have changed quite a bit recently.  Zach stated, the 25 % restriction on floor area stands out to me.  Mayor Thompson stated, I believe there are certain types of businesses we do not want in a home, especially those that increase traffic to residential neighborhood.  Kent stated, as far as the permitting of home occupations, we will let Planning Commission review.  Zach stated, within R1 and R2 codes we completed, home businesses that are allowed are listed.  If they are not on list, the business has to be presented to the Board to see if it is for betterment of community.  Kent stated, as far as the permitting of home occupations, we will let Planning Commission review.  Item P: Manufactured Homes, the dimensions allowed fit homes in trailer parks rather than homes in town.  Zach stated, at that time that was a manufactured home.  Kent stated, it also addresses the pitch.  Zach stated, that is addressed in the design code and it needs to be same for all structures, not specific for one housing type.  Kent stated, Item S: Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor states should be located on arterials.  The GAC and most of our parks are in or close to R1 district.  Item W: Duplexes, talks about development of that type of district.  Zach stated, the big change is to take out single family-attached, to match the R1 and R2 update completing.  Beyond that is whether you want any dimension standards because the homes touch. Kent stated, Item Y: Temporary Use Permits no longer exist.   Mayor Thompson stated, we appreciate the work going into code changes.


  1. City Manager – 1.  Manager memo is in the packet.  2. April month end financial report is in the packet.  3.  Police monthly activity report is in packet.  4.  Spring Cleanup was end of last week.  We learned we need to advertise in the paper and have discussion on radio next year.  Staff took quite a few calls from people who were not aware of cleanup dates.  Mayor Thompson stated, I would like to thank staff for cleanup, it is a big undertaking.   Kent stated, we try to be consistent and plan first week of May.  Kenton stated, we hauled 24 tons of C & D, 14 tons of metal and 73 tickets going across scales.  This does not include tree limbs since those trucks do not go over scale.  Commissioner Showalter asked, how does this compare to previous years?  Kenton stated, it compares to loads hauled in 2018.  Kent stated, we appreciate all who participated.  5.  With sale in Industrial Park, I was asked by SCCD to come up with addresses in park.  Original plat lists streets as Industry Street, Industrial Street and Industrial Loop.  With utilities and roads going in, now is time to rename streets.  If you have recommendations please let me know.  We have businesses on Industry Street so we need to keep that street name.  I foresee problems with names as they exist.  My thought is to keep it simple and keep Industry then one other street name.  Mayor Thompson stated, that would be a lot cleaner.    6.  City Commission mentioned a tour of city facilities before budget.  If interested need to schedule soon.    7.  City code says need to review utility rates on annual basis.  If want to review before budget it will take staff time to get information together. Mayor Thompson stated, I feel a tour is good.  I am not opposed to a budget workshop to address larger items or rates.  Kent stated, staff will come back with couple different dates for these items.  8.  We submitted an invitation for bid for a street sweeper.  We will address bids at upcoming meeting.  It is a long term budgeted item.
  2. City Commissioners

Vice-Mayor Howard – 1.  No Report 

Commissioner Showalter – 1.  Encourage everyone to take health needs assessment survey the hospital opened at health fair this past weekend.  It is on hospital website, at health department and on social media.

Commissioner Myers – 1.  No Report 

Commissioner Redlin – 1.  No Report 

  • Mayor Thompson1.  No Report 

ADJOURNMENT WAS HAD ON A MOTION BY Commissioner Redlin seconded by Vice-Mayor Showalter.  Motion carried by unanimous VOTE, meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.  Next meeting is scheduled for May 20, 2024. 


ATTEST:                                                                               Aaron Thompson, Mayor


Mary P. Volk, City Clerk